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From PG's site...

"No team may draft a player unless it has registered the player's name with the commissioner's office, or his name has been submitted by the Major League Scouting Bureau. "

First, if one team submits a players name, does that then make that player eligible to be drafted by all teams, or does each team individually have to submit his name?

How would a player know if a team or the scouting bureau has submitted his name?

[COLOR:BLUE][i]Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs.[/i][/COLOR]
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That's a good question because many times players get drafted and didn't even know their name was turned in.
Dad04 has given you the right info.
All it takes is one team to make a recommendation. Usually it goes through the MLB area scout so it is turned in once, not 30 times.
Originally posted by CPLZ:
From PG's site...

"No team may draft a player unless it has registered the player's name with the commissioner's office, or his name has been submitted by the Major League Scouting Bureau. "

First, if one team submits a players name, does that then make that player eligible to be drafted by all teams, or does each team individually have to submit his name?

How would a player know if a team or the scouting bureau has submitted his name?


A player would know if the Bureau turned him in, because the Bureau scout would ask him for his phone#, DOB, Address, hgt, wgt etc. He won't ask you for the info if he has no interest.

As an individual scout, I get the same info and put it on the report I send to the office. They then can get an ID # so that we can draft him if we want to.

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