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My son said that 2 of his college team mates received "draft cards" from major league teams. What are they and what does it mean?
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Of course it is given to players they are interested in so tehy can gather info.
All it is, is a card (like an index card) for you to put your information (name, adress, etc) on. It may be that the scout didn't have any questionares, which happens often. He now has the info on a card to send a questionare and start a file for the team.
The questionare is similar to that of a college one.

Name, address, school, telephone #, grades, position, questions regarding going pro, health history, etc.

You might get drafted from a team without ever filling out that questionare.

Think of the draft card as an index card you may use for information in order to stay organized.
Last edited by TPM

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