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Originally Posted by GHHS-2016LHP:

PG, I could swear I saw an article on your site yesterday about HS vs College players and the draft, but now I can't find it to save my life.  It was very old (2009?) and from what I can recall, it compared two draft's worth of 1st round college players (48 total) to their original HS draft position before they elected to attend their respective schools.  I believe the highest player picked originally went in the 4th round, while many of these players were undrafted out of HS.


The overall impression I got from the article was that virtually every player on the list improved their draft stock after 3 years of college.


It would be interesting to see an updated version of that article, say using the past two drafts and comparing those players to the HS versions of their draft slots.

Many/Some players going to college would have been very high draft picks had they not gone to college. Just because they were not drafted or drafted very low is not necessarily indicative of their athletic ability. Take the Freshman pitcher at LSU from Missouri. If I read article correctly, he was undrafted. He was undrafted because he said that he is going to college. Assuming no injuries, etc. He will be drafted in 2/3 years. A person could say that he went from being undrafted to highly drafted which is a true statement but very, very misleading.

I can't find that story, but, if it relates to first round draft picks out of college vrs. where they were drafted out of high school... I imagine nearly all first round picks out of college would have been drafted lower out of high school. After all, first round is the first round.there isn't much room to be higher unless you were an even earlier first rd pick out of HS.


So an interesting article would be to take the early round picks out of HS that decided to attend college rather than sign and see where they ended up. Then again, most early round picks end up signing so not sure if there would be enough dasta to mean anything.


One HS player that we were very familar with is Matt Purke, he was selected #14 in the first round out of HS in 2009. He turned down millions to attend TCU. After attending college he went in the 3rd round. However, he signed for a big pile of money.


BTW, the best draft pick that year (2009) was the 25th or 26th pick out of a HS in NJ. He was the AL MVP last year and arguably the face of the game these days.


Without doing the research I would bet that most kids drafted out of college have moved up in the draft since HS.  Many, even some early picks, were undrafted out if high school.  Also I should point out, there are many HS draft picks that never get drafted again. 


Some kids get better in college, some even blossom after they are in pro ball. Some kids have all the tools, but they fall short of reaching their potential.  It's not always their fault, there are many things that get in the way.  Number one is injury.


Nothing exact about the draft. If you had the clubs redo the draft two or three years after, it would look very different.  Maybe that is another reason to go to school.

Just wanted to weigh in on the MLB scholarhip plan.  Son is returning to finish school, his agreement was two semesters.  That covered inflation but not the % that comes off for taxes.    One year with living expenses is more than a years salary for many. He was stunned.


Turned out ok, his school has a fund to help returning athletes previously on scholarship.  Everything not covered will be. He did have to reapply but it was a formality.  He even has a special advisor for returning athletes.  We were told that they would do whatever they could to help him graduate and that promise was kept so make sure you do have this discussion at some point if your son is a draft consideration out of HS.


He was a high pick out of college and I dont believe he thought that he would never reach mlb. It just never turned out, you get injured before you reach a certain point, it becomes a battle. Two seasons out of affiliated ball and you return or lose lots of money that you negotiated for.  And understand once you begin the return process you have to complete it within a certain time frame as well.


Son has been very fortunate to be able to complete his education with no debt out of college and no debt after he graduates.  But he has been lucky in that regard most are not.  


As far as being drafted out of HS, because of where we live, the team offering the mlb scholarhip plan out of HS allowed for in state tuition only.  We were advised attending at least 3 years of school almost being paid for and a final year paid by drafting team would be in his best interest.  After understanding how it all worked it made more sense to go to school first.


Returning at 30 will be a challenge and he will be involved with baseball but that is the offer extended to all former drafted players from this program.  Ask these questions during recruitment.


The information provided by Goosegg has been completely accurate and sobering.  He has done his homework, and anyone else whose son could be drafted out of HS should do the same.  It all sounds so easy but it is not, a complete understanding of the process, should be considered before making any decision.

My son was drafted and signed out of HS. He used his MLB scholar ship and got his degree while still playing pro ball

After 9 yrs he was released  and was done with baseball

At age 26 started his new career and loves living a "normal" life

 I don't know if he would have been successful college student out of HS. I think his baseball career allowed him to see the value of a college degree.

Originally Posted by Prepster:


P.S. He was late for lunch the day we met. The road-weary team bus had broken down on its way from Eugene, Oregon to Yakima, Washington. That was the second time it had broken down in the season's first month. Does that sound like it's straight out of "Bull Durham" or what?!  It's a really glamorous life.  

I think I saw that team bus.


When Michael Jordan to a break from the NBA to play baseball he bought a new bus for the Birmingham Barons.

Last edited by Dad04
Originally Posted by Dad04:
Originally Posted by Prepster:


P.S. He was late for lunch the day we met. The road-weary team bus had broken down on its way from Eugene, Oregon to Yakima, Washington. That was the second time it had broken down in the season's first month. Does that sound like it's straight out of "Bull Durham" or what?!  It's a really glamorous life.  

I think I saw that team bus.


When Michael Jordan to a break from the NBA to play baseball he bought a new bus for the Birmingham Barons.

ha ha!  

When DK was with AA erie the bus often broke down. There was a latin player who also was the team mechanic, son said they would have never gotten home many times if it weren't for him.

I heard on the TV that Gators uses its own charter plane.

Yup life is much better in college!

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