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Okay well not asking to start a discussion on whether to lock out the front knee or not, so lets just end that before it begins. I am a current player at bew mexico state univ and under what gary ward say and comments on my swing is always involved around not quite getting my front knee stiff enough/ stable enough when turning on pitches on the inner half. For me and my swing when i do it correct it adds quite a bit off power and seems more fluid. Now since i do study swings somewhat from what i feel and see on video is that it might have more to do with getting my hips through /around then say actually needing to stiffen up the front leg....bleh its late but what im trying to say is do any of you with a good hitting knowledge and background feel its purely a hip problem and or what other things do you associate with this sort of problem? Also, cant really seem to come across a good drill to help me get to the right position more often then not. Thanks and sorry for the rambling.
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