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I think I need some tips on droping down, tody I threw my first bullpen (on flat ground) in a long time and it was rare when I was getting it over the plate.

I think its where I got use to throwing somewhat side arm and now im trying to throw alot more over top and when I was throwing side arm I didnt really have to drop any tips on droping down?

Also another reason why I think it was cause I wasant droping down is cause im a rhp and most of my pitches was going way right and high
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Sounds to me you are pulling off to the left side which affects your release and arm slot. You should stay aligned to the plate. May need to increase your stride.
Do you have a video ?
Pitching mechanics are about controlled delivery. Repeating the same motion over and over. Your stride foot should end up pointing at the plate and you should get your chest out over the stride foot and that requires some bending at the waist but toward the plate.
Most pitchers do not have great mechanics. I have seen lots of pitchers improve their accuracy by driving toward the plate and not turning off to the side. Stay aligned to the plate.
Very hard to analyze without video, but usually when you are high and inside to a righty (as a right handed pitcher), you are dragging your arm behind your body. Keep your arm up to speed with your body and release out front. Part of that could be caused by opening your front shoulder too quick like BobbleheadDoll stated. Hope this makes sense to you. Try to post a video if you can - it will be much easier to give feedback if we can see you. Good luck.
First I am not sure why you are throwing a "bull pen" on flat ground.

Second moving your arm slot should not be taken lightly. I would find your natural slot and stick with it. Go to the outfield and make some strong throws to a specific target without thinking about it and this should be your natural slot.

Agree with the video comments. If you are serious get instructor who can help you one on one. You can get some tips here, but I would not expect much more.

Good Luck!
My son throws side/sub and had some of the problems you have described. We video taped him from the side and from behind home plate and noticed two problems. One was that is torso was not in the proper position to throw. To pitch sub, you have to have a really strong back and legs. The lower your arm slot is - the more you need to bend your back. The second was where his plant foot landed(since he is righthanded, it was his left foot we're talking about). His foot was not pointing towards the target and he was trying to overcompensate with his arm. Essentially, he was not allowing himself to follow through and his body was closed. We shortened his stride, worked on his foot placement target wise, and emphasized technique. As he gets more comfortable with it, we'll work on increasing movement with his pitches.

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