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Runner on first. 1 out. Batter strikes out and ensuing dropped third strike. Batter/runner sprints to first base even after Umpire calls the batter out as first is occupied and less than 2 outs. Batter/Runner is out of the running lane and interferes with the catchers throw to first (smart catcher was playing it smart) and the runner at first advances to 2nd. I returned the runner to first on the iterference and the batter runner called out on strikes.
Question: I remember from Pro-school an obscure rule about interference by a retired runner causing the runner closest to home to be out on the interference. Anyone have a rule reference on this one? Should I have ruled the runner on first out on the interference of the batter/Runner?
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agreed with dash.....catcher most definately NOT smart.....he should have thrown to 2nd to try and get a double play on the runner trying to advance....

remember the defense is also expected to know the situation......(D3K with first occupied less than 2 outs) the batter is out...the catcher should know that.. and runner should keep the advanced base if safe.......
Last edited by piaa_ump
I agree with Dash. The catcher should have first known he couldn't go and then listened to the PU say he was out. At that point he could have made the proper play at second. It isn't interference because the batter wasn't allowed to advance so there is no chance for an out. The rulebook says the act of advancing in itself isn't illegal.

OK, PIAA types faster than I do. Smile
Last edited by Michael S. Taylor

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