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I am thinking about changing my pitching style from regular overhand to sidearm/submarine. I have a feeling that the reason I did not make the Freshman team this year was because I blended in too much. I just had an "average" fastball and "average" control. When I tryout for JV in February, I really want to stand out. I feel like if I dropped down, the coaches might like me because I offer a different arm angle than most. So should I do this? By the way, I am asking this question now because I want to work on this in a fall league. Also I have heard that dropping down creates less stress on the shoulder. I think that is why John Smoltz is changing his arm angle. Oh and I will post a video by tommorow of my proposed new pitching motion. Thanks!
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IMO, I wouldn't do it. If you feel ordinary, you need to learn how to be different by being able to have an arsenal of pitches, not a different slot. It's not easy to just try to change your natural slot. Yo umay injure yourself.

You didn't make the team because you were not ready to make the team. Work on conditioning and on your present mechanics. Find a good pitching instructor to help make improvements.

BTW, sitting with a bunch of scouts and coaches at a game, they had a name for the type of pitching that you want to change to, it's not always "submariner". There are many who totally dislike those mechanics, unless it is very effective.
Hi there, my name is Geoff Freeborn. I'm an ex pro pitcher from Canada. I
was on HS bBaseball Forum and saw your post looking for sidearm
instruction? I have started a website on sidearm/submarine pitching. It's
basically a whole bunch of interviews of current/ex AAA/MLB pitchers who
pitched from down there. Some good stuff in interviews on mechanics and
how to pitch to hitters etc... hope it can be of some help!

Thanks, Geoff
Originally posted by sidearmnation:
Hi there, my name is Geoff Freeborn. I'm an ex pro pitcher from Canada. I
was on HS bBaseball Forum and saw your post looking for sidearm
instruction? I have started a website on sidearm/submarine pitching. It's
basically a whole bunch of interviews of current/ex AAA/MLB pitchers who
pitched from down there. Some good stuff in interviews on mechanics and
how to pitch to hitters etc... hope it can be of some help!

Thanks, Geoff
Geoff ... How about providing advice rather than spamming your site in identical posts in four threads? This board is about helping, not generating personal revenue unless of course, you would like to pay to advertise.

Do you know what I like aboot sidearm pitchers, eh? The rig they ride coming out from the bullpen. Cruising along the warning track...getting that final stretch in. A sight to behold really...

And welcome to the HSBBW sidearmnation. If you, like the rest of us, would like to advertise here please contact MN-Mom aka: Julie. She owns the site and is always looking for advertisers.

I certainly hope you were able to help ro1249. Let us know if you two made any progress.

"You know this rig gets 75 mpg!"......"That's good to know...I'll be running out of gas way before that!"


Last edited by gotwood4sale

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