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I don't know much about the Duke program under the new coach. From what I hear their priority is in basketball. They need to make more of a commitment to their baseball program. JMO.

What has happened to the Lacross team has left a bad mark on their athletics program.

It's not the fault of the athletics program personnel. I'm not blaming them. It's just a reality that a kid walking into that PC faculty environment is at this point forewarned.

It's amazing to me that now that the mob has turned on the prosecutor, nobody seems to be noticing that the supposed intellectuals who hung those boys out to dry based on media reports and their political agendas have gotten off Scot-free. And they are all still there, just waiting for another opportunity to exercise their prejudices against the male athletes in their midst.
My son have heavily recruited by Duke. We went to Jr Day and we were invited to attend a practice in the spring. Coach McNally is a Duke grad and has a great passion for Duke baseball. He is truly committed to bringing a winning program to Duke and improving the facilities. Coach Boggs Assistant coach played at Ga Tech and he is one of the nicest and honest guys you would ever want to meet. They have a small roster 26 and told us their desire is to keep a small roster. They said that they want to develop their players not recruit over top of them. I do believe that this staff is committed to bringing a winning program to Duke. And I do believe that there are some things in the works to improve the facilities. They have alot of things going for them. A degree from Duke for one. They play in the ACC. They keep a small roster so playing time is a real possibility for younger players. And they have some great guys on staff. My son decided to go to another school it was his dream school. But I do feel that Duke has alot to offer.
I will agree that the Football and Baseball programs are behind. But you go to school for an education as well. What happens when you have to put down the cleats and glove and school is over. Not a bad thing to have a degree from Duke University. And at the same time to get to play at the ACC level. This is a great situation for the right kids. Its not the right situation for everyone. But no college is.
Duke's president, Richard Broadhead is in way over his head. The entire Lacrosse episode is largely due to his incompetence. DA Nifong was disbarred, fined, spent a day in jail and will be fighting lawsuits for years. Broadhead essentially did the same thing by condemning the three young men, its coach and the program before a case was even filed. He's going to be thrown out on his rear in due time and it will be more turmoil. I'd stay away from Duke regardless if one is a student-athlete or student only.
WOW! It is hard to argue that anything associated with the Duke lacrosse case was handled properly, by anyone. Rushing to judgment with only a few facts or considered, measured analysis is certainly a dangerous way to approach decision making isn't it? Reading your logic over why "not Duke" is a bit staggering, and for the most part, purely emotional. A bit frightening from some otherwise level headed folks.

Yes, you are talking about baseball, BUT ... and loosing records ... BUT. How does a program actually get better if folks don't take another look and consider things whith their head instead of their bias

First, if Duke is simply a basketball school, what is Wake (excuse last years FB abberation), and If Duke is a basketball school, what is UNC, or FLA State, Miami, etc.

Let's keep things in focus. The ACC is a very competitive sports conference, period.

I'm sure I missing something else here. But let's face it, in every conference someone finishes in the bottom half of the conference in many sports. unfortunately some do it for longer periods than others, and when they do, it takes a while to recover.

If a kid has the ability to play in the ACC, he has a wide range of choices. If Duke wants you, but Fla State or UNC or Clemson doesn't, it is still ACC baseball. If everyone wants you, God bless you, and enjoy the ride.

Maybe the the perspective is get into the best baseball school where you can PLAY, and get the BEST education possible. As the TV ads do tend to point out, most athletes, and baseball players at NOT excluded, go pro in something other than their sport. And when they do, having a degree certainly is important, but having a degree from some universtities will open more doors long after the cheering stops.

Oh, and no, I am neither a Duke graduate nor a fan. All things considered, I wonder how many hiring managers would hire a Duke grad and a former baseball player over grads from many of the other schools. The fact a kid plays a sport like baseball and does well in school is more important than their W/L record.

Geez, it really was terrible rush to judgment by the folks wasn't it?
Last edited by HaveFun
I saw Duke play last year and didn't think they were all that bad. In fact, as I recall, they started pretty strong. My recollection is that they seemed to be a couple of players away from being a very storng team. Of course, that may be the case with many teams with no such great records overall. Still, Duke's coach is relatively new and I have to believe that that program will show results soon.

Despite all the negative press over the lacrosse thing....a Duke education is still a valued commodity.
I'll stand by my comments. I'm afraid I have seen the PC lynch mob in action all too much over the years. If someone can see what the faculty did to those boys and feel OK sending their boy there, I will only say that I hope for your sake my worst fears are never proved founded.

I guess the jab at Wake Forest baseball was directed at me, and I'm sure it was meant good naturedly, BUT:

The Deacs made the NCAA tourney field last year;

Baseball America rated them one of the top 50 programs of the last 10 years;

It was only a handful of years ago that they were atop the ACC and ranked as high as # 2 in the U.S.;

Wake had a first rounder in 2006, and may have another come 2008; and

Wake just made a deal to take over a pro stadium with massive seating capacity and other amenities.

With all due respect, Duke baseball has a long way to go before it can be mentioned in the same breath with Wake.
Last edited by Midlo Dad
Originally posted by phillyball19:
I know Duke is a great academic school- any info on the baseball program?

Actually, the perceived great academic school at Duke U reflect the students that attend Duke and NOT the Duke student-athletes.

This is reflected for both the Duke Men and Women's Sports Program. As told to me and several other parents by the Duke Director of Admissions during a 2002 Junior Day (after a contest between lowly Radford at the time and Duke U ....Hillard era).
What was also said was 'student-althletes who attend Duke do so for one reason. And that is to play the sport for which they are being recruited." The Director went on to explain (and with Prepster in the audience), the student-athlete who attends Duke U will NOT get A's & B's, yet won't get E's and D's. I was taken back by the entire spiel, since sending my son to Duke for C's in whatever course of study he decided and at the 50% being offered became a concern.

OBTW: Student-Athletes at Univ of Maryland require a 3.38 GPA (for most of the minor revenue producing sports) let along being able to play in the ACC. (And there is one Individual Admit per year).

Summary: Duke Baseball is one of the lower tier school of the twelve ACC schools and is joined by Maryland, Va Tech & Boston College. Thus a DNQ is expected for these four schools for the ACC Conference Tournament (the only ACC Sports Tournament where the Cindrella team does not has an opportunity to play). This lower tier is not expected to change any time soon (and as much as I would like to see my alma mater be competitive at Shipley!)

To the original poster on this thread. Call Coach Sean McNally. Im sure he will be glad to send you the same material on the baseball team he provided us on our recruiting trip to Duke. Last years team posted a combined 3.2 gpa. They have a full time academic advisor and tutoring program in place. Student athletes in baseball are required to have the same entrance requirements as any other student. Please call the coaching staff either Head Coach Sean McNally , Pitching Coach Sean Snedeker or Assistant Coach Boggs. Im sure they will be more than glad to assist you with any information you would like on their program and the facts to back it up. Sorry but old information under the former HC Hilliard , and or misinformed information from posters will lead you no where.
Geez Midlo... no one poked at WF, put your guard down and take your WF sweatshirt off to cool down. I bet that most folks, other than college baseball fans would consider WF a BASKETBALL school before anything else...and UNC too. Both are tremenduous academic schools, and great baseball programs, and strong olympic sports programs. If I recall, wasn't the saying a while ago that UNC stood for University of National Champions

WF is also a great golf school, strong field hockey program to name a few others, but only golfers and field hockey fans realize that. But when it comes to top of mind awareness, I suspect the overwhelming majority of folks might remember WF for basketball. TV has a way of doing that, dont you think?.

Bias, naw, just wearing the colors, right?
Last edited by HaveFun
My son's bf in high school went to play under the old coach at Duke. A pretty good player, he didn't play much his first year. He also messed up, and under the new coach who wouldn't put up with any BS and trying to turn the program around he was forced to transfer, but still didn't play where he went. He no longer plays baseball.

He turned down some good offers from midwest schools, but his folks wanted him to play in the ACC and the Duke degree is worth lots and lots of money in your working lifetime. It's a shame what happened, he is almost ready to graduate and his degree will not light up the resume as the Duke degree would have.

I agree with Coach May, it takes good players to turn things around. Duke had a good year last year, I saw a big improvement in the competition. Most who go to play baseball there know it is not to win a national baseball championship.

Comparing one ACC school to another is not fair in the process. Everyone goes to schools for different reasons.
But TPM it will be possible to win championships at Duke. They have done it at Stanford. Spurrier made a winner out of the football team. Coach K made it work in basketball. Right now UNC is the envogue school, but shifts in preferences happen. I was disgusted by the previous regime hopefully this group will and is making a difference.
Guys anyone that knows anything about college baseball knows that Wake has an outstanding baseball program. You can not put Wake in the same sentence with Duke as far as the baseball program is concerned. With the renovations of Ernie Shore Field and the baseball team taking over that facility it will be one of the finest venues in college baseball. I understand your desire to defend your program. But to the people that know college baseball it is not needed. To the people who do not it will not matter. But I understand.
Originally posted by s2fmf:
unless your baseball career leads you to the major leagues, then its pretty obvious that youve got the upper hand going to Duke than doing anywhere else in the ACC. Only Stanford can claim a better conference combined with education, and recently theve been every bit as bad as Duke in baseball.
This is a generalization. There are a lot of good colleges. Some are better than Duke or Stanford for certain majors. A degree in cinematology from UCLA or USC is better than one from Duke or Standford (if they even have it). Some are better for their alumni connections in certain regions. I'm willing to guess in Texas or Florida a UT or UF grad has an advantage over a Duke or Stanford grad.

Then there's the story of two of my friends. One went to a no name low tier state school in the mountains so he could get stoned and ski for four years. The other friend went to Harvard to play s****r. The Harvard grad went on to law school. They're both successful, but the ski bum eventually grew up and makes twice as much money.
Last edited by TG

It's been a long time since I posted on the hsballweb, but your kind comments, and some of the prior comments, prompted me to do so. TR knows that I am the dad of the player he mentioned (and parenthetically, we have always been incredibly grateful, and remain so, for the opportunities that TR and his program gave my son).

My son is now a junior at Duke and loves everything about the program. And between coaches McNally, Snedeker and Boggs, I cannot, from the perspective of a parent, be happier that my son is playing in that program. Coach McNally not only will turn that program around, he already has done so in significant ways. From 15-40 2 years ago, the program was 29-25 last year, first winning season in almost 10 years. I recognize that the ACC record last year still was not where they want it to be ultimately, but over the course of 4 straight weekends Duke took games off of Ga. Tech, Fla. State, UNC and UVa. And as Tigerpaw Mom mentioned, Duke simply played far better in the ACC last year despite its record. I'm not saying that Duke will go to Omaha this year, but more modest goals of making the ACC tournament and an NCAA regional seem much closer to anyone who has watched this team grow over the past two seasons.

As for the program itself, and not to denigrate in any way other fine coaches in this country, coach McNally has brought a work ethic, both on the field and in the classroom, that anyone would/should be proud of and is second to none. My son loves playing for him and feels that, regardless of the record, he made the right choice. He loves the school and the fact that he will leave with a Duke degree, he loves playing in the ACC, he loves that his coaches care about him as a player and a person (witness the amazing way that he was treated by the coaches as a freshman when he was hurt) and he also feels that he is on the ground floor (maybe even the second or third floor now) of a program that is only going to improve over the next few years. No one works more tirelessly than coach McNally and his coaching staff at improving all facets of that program and he seems to very much have the support of the athletic department in doing so.

For everyone who wants to continue to try to downgrade Duke baseball, I respectfully ask you to stop and give this new regime a chance. Incidentally, I have nothing at all bad to say about the old regime. Indeed, we are grateful to them for recruiting my son to Duke. But, folks need to look at what is going on now and stop focusing on things like past records, Duke lacrosse or the like. I have great respect for all of the programs in the ACC. I have no doubt that soon, Duke will get to the point where it is no longer considered an afterthought in the ACC.

If anyone has real interest for their kids in the Duke program, I'd be happy to answer any questions or be helpful to you as many others over the years have been helpful to us on this forum.

fhl526 - yours is one of the classier posts I have seen on the hsbbweb in quite sometime

You could have come out with both barrels loaded but what you have demonstrated is much more effective. I also appreciated Coach May's comments in this thread.

As for the negative commentary, it would be nice if people would be mindful that we probably have members from every college in the nation on this site. Those same members probably have lots of the same type of pride (like demonstrated for other ACC schools in this thread) for why they chose a respective school. Thus, maybe out of respect, we could use the pm channel next time if there isn't something positive to say.
That might just be the best post I have ever read on this site. Pure 100% class. Thank you for taking the time to share that with us. My son made the choice to attend UNC. He had the opportunity to choose Duke. I would have been just as proud of him if he had picked Duke for all the reasons you stated. Good luck to your son and his team. I hope they have a tremendous season this year.
FHL526 - Classy post. As a parent of a player Duke chose to pass upon a few years back, I'm glad to know things are headed in the right direction.
It takes hard work to build a winning tradition regardless of the sport or institution, just as it takes hard work to maintain that tradition. Hopefully, and in the years to come, your son and his teammates will considered the foundation for what will be considered a winning program and the grandsons of the posters here today will come to speak of Duke or all other programs struggling to get to the top with the respect accorded many of the programs mentioned through out this thread. Regardless of the program, the competition and the drive to become better with ultimately make everyone, including your competitors, better.
Last edited by HaveFun

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