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East Coast Professional Showcase does not have a website.

This event is run by MLB scouts and is not a pay for play type showcase. It is actually considered a combine.

Players do not pay for participation. Only their travel, meals and lodging, everyone gets there, etc. on their own.

Invitation is by a professional scout only.

There are no try-out days specifically for this event. I would suggest that if a player is interested that he makes it a point of attending a pro try-out day this spring. Look for announcements in your local paper. A good showing at these try-outs does not in any way guarantee an invite to East Coast Pro, but it can help.

"Doing nothing is still a course of action"
East Coast Pro is an excellent showcase! Any player that has the chance to go should take advantage of it.

My son got his invitation after being seen by a scout at the Tennessee Baseball Coaches Assoc. showcase held at MTSU in June. The TBCA showcase has turned into an annual event and I felt it was very well run. I'm sure Bob is right that if you can be seen at a pro try-out this spring you can increase your chances of an invite.

As for East Coast Pro:
Held at UNC Wilmington in Wilmington, NC- great baseball facility, beautiful city, lots of history.
Chance for players to be instructed, and seen, by pro scouts. If they choose, can also stay in the dorms with the scouts.
Only around 130-140 players last year. Tremendous competition.
Easily over 350 college coaches and pro scouts in attendance.
As Bob stated, no fee to attend. MLB puts it on and the only cost was getting there, food and lodging. And of course that included same for parents! Wink

One last point. Just being seen isn't enough to get an invitation. As with everything, you must perform when you have the chance. The total number of players from Tennessee there last summer was 6, I believe.

Good luck!

Excellent response from hsbbweb and AdDad25.

Son was invited by Chicago Cubs to play on their team during the East Coast Pro Showcase at UNC-Wilmington July-Aug 2003.

Great event! I would have estimated more than 300 baseball vip's in attendance with notebooks, stop watches, radar guns etc.

Beautiful facility and the event was run as smooth and accurate as Timex.

If you want your ballplayer to play against some of the very best talent in the country, this is the event to be a part of and NOT missed if you get the opportunity.

Learning day by day on the hsbbweb...
East Coast Professional Showcase is great.
Allow me to re-type the letter sent to my son on March 1, 2001, his junior year of high school, by the Colorado Rockies. It should answer most questions.

First, let me explain how I was approached…A gentleman wearing a Rockies windbreaker approached me at one of my son’s high school games and said he was interested in having my son play on his team for a week during the summer. I explained my son’s summer was full but we appreciated the offer. Just to make conversation I asked the name of his team and he said the Colorado Rockies. I said, “Like the pro team?” He said it WAS the pro team. I asked if he was a coach and he said he was a Rockies scout. I said….”Now what exactly do you want him to do? We’ll be there!!!” Big Grin

Dear Player,
The Colorado Rockies have selected you as a participant for the 6th annual 2001 East Coast Professional Baseball Showcase. This event will be held at Brook’s field on the University of North Carolina at Wilmington campus. The dates of this event will be July 31 through Sunday, Aug 5th 2001.

Six organizations from Major League Baseball will represent teams in this showcase including ourselves. You have been selected by our scouts based on a pre-determined territory or state from which we are allowed to select players for this event. Only 24 players which we feel have future professional baseball potential have been selected. You will compete with and against some of the best young players in the United States in a four day round robin type tournament format.
Brook’s field, one of the southeast’s outstanding college baseball facilities, will serve as host to this event. The East Coast Professional Baseball Showcase will also attract scouts from various other Major League organizations, and many of the country’s top college programs will also be in attendance. Last year, over 200 colleges sent representative from leagues such as the ACC, SEC, CAA and Big 12. Also every professional organization had at least one scout in attendance. Enclosed is a summary of pertinent information along with a player information form and insurance waiver.

Players will be housed in Belk Dorm adjacent to Brook’s Field.
The cost package for each individual includes lodging from Tuesday July 31, through checkout Sunday, August 5; Tuesday night dinner and three meals a day from Wednesday Aug 1st, through Saturday Aug 4th, at Waggoner Hall, UNCW’s primary cafeteria.
The cost will be 140.00 per player. Payable to UNCW

There is some more information but fingers get tired…..
Hope this helps,

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
If a player is invited to the EC Showcase YOU ATTEND no matter what.

This showcase is sponsored by Major League Baseball and you can only get there thru a MLB scout.

This is probably the most highley regarded showcase on the East Coast. You will find that all serious D1 programs, D2 programs and D3 programs attend as well as many JUCO school. This on top of 90-100% of all MLB teams attend.

Being able to list this your profile as a ECS player means a great deal and is a HUGE honor.

Congrats to both your sons for being invited.

"Baseball, it is said, is only a game. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole."

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Good points everyone. Agreed, do not miss if son is invited. Son was coached by 6 scouts from 6 different teams even though we represented the Marlins. It put my son on the radar screen and I don't mean Jugs or
Stalker. Son also had a great experience meeting other players and getting an idea of how he stood talent-wise.

I agree with everyone who states that this is an Absolute DON'T MISS event.

We have worked with some of the scouts who run this event and they are outstanding people. We have had a very large number of players who have attended the East Coast Pro and we feel very secure in telling each and every one of those players to make sure they don't miss it.

Also we have two or three of our scouts in Wilmington every year. The talent is outstanding and the event is one of the best in all of baseball.

Congratulations to all those who have been invited. It is a very big honor and gives the player a lot of legitimacy by just being invited.


ECP was where we first saw your son. What a player!


Tim is one of the very best in baseball.
Thanks, PG staff. We do feel very honored and grateful to have been invited, especially as a "winter invite". Keep an eye out for Ruairi OConnor and Tim Dennehy @ this event . Thanks again. ....................One more thing, we are also happy that you have ranked Ruairi OConnor (2005). However for over a year now he has been listed as a Left/Left Outfielder! In fact he is a Right/Right 3B/C.(Oak Park-River Forest High School---NOT Oak Forest HS!)
wet field was the East Coast Professional Baseball Showcase's toughest opponent Thursday at UNC-Wilmington's Brooks Field.

Morning rain, heavy at times, made the field nearly unplayable, forming puddles in left and center field.

So ECPBS officials revamped Thursday's schedule. Instead of three games, they played two nine-inning games in the evening.

Earlier in the day, UNCW coach Mark Scalf, the showcase coordinator, said, "Conditions won't be ideal. It will be wet. We are not going to run these guys out there if conditions could be such that injuries could happen.''

Officials also had a Plan B, which called for five seven-inning games today, if Thursday's schedule was postponed.

"You are trying to work around game times and meal times,'' Scalf said.

"You have to make sure the young men get to eat and have enough time to get prepared to play. When we are moving around game times, we are trying to take into consideration several things, plus when the field will be ready.''

ECPBS officials were lucky Wednesday despite a three-hour delay because of wet grounds. They were still able to hold workouts and play three openers, with the finale ending shortly after midnight.

Games were postponed only once in the six-year history of the event at UNCW. It happened four years ago and forced showcase officials to scramble.

"We missed one day, then doubled up the next day. And the last day we played games with no outfielders,'' Scalf said. "They wanted to see the pitchers throw and face hitters. We just had a couple of guys out there shagging balls because the outfield was under water, but the infield was playable.''

The grounds crews consist of UNCW players and coaches.

Hosting the event has plusses and minuses. Scalf figures the good outweighs the bad.

"It creates some headaches at times, but I think it is worth it to be able to host this event and have all these young men on our campus and in our community,'' he said. "It does assist us some with the recruiting aspects.''

There are more than 200 scouts in attendance, and more than 100 college recruiters, including new Old Dominion head coach Jerry Meyers, attend as well. Meyers is a former UNCW and South Carolina pitching coach.

"I don't know if we have too much a greater advantage than anybody else because all the other coaches are here to watch it and evaluate,'' Scalf said. "It has provided some additional exposure for our program. It is makes it easier when we are out in various areas recruiting. Of course, our success in recent years has been a plus. It has given us exposure around the region, not just in North Carolina.''

The showcase, made up of 140 players, ends Saturday.
Last edited by Dibble

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