Thanks for the offer. His Mom and I have talked to a number of folks on all sides. He has done a good job of questioning the players on "whats real" and not gotten to hung up "in the college life." The three of us all did a pro and con on all the schools.....still debating, his sister even called with her 2 cents....but when all is said and done "he will know in his heart" - quote by Tony Skole.......where he fits.
I have recruited for years (rest. Mgrs).....and recruiters are there to paint as positive a picture as they can.....sell their product/company/university....and find the best people for their programs. In my mind there are two basic keys that apply to the successful selection and tenure (academics and sports) with the school and the ball team:
1)The 1st key for the buyer/recruit is where "I fit" in that organization. Do I buy into their philosophy, do I see myself living in their I trust these people and can I enjoy my time here (away from home, likely on their own for the 1st time).
2) The 2nd is totally on the recuit. As with most investments.....what you take out is directly proportioned to what was put in. The school/coach/program can only provide the opportunity....the maximum effort in success comes from the participant.
Everyone told me to relax and enjoy this time.....and I have.....but I
will be glad when it is over.
(self portrait - circa 1990)