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I had this happen to me as a coach many years ago. My pitcher (The kid was drafted by the yankees, but tore up his elbow) was complaining about balls and strikes in the first inning. He asks for a new ball the umpire refuses to give him one...the pitcher mutters under his breath...he is ejected...the catcher turns to ask why ... he is ejected...I go out to find out whats going on ..the umpire says to me one more word and you will be gone...I say OK and I am ejected also.
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Originally posted by Innocent Bystander:
I got ejected one time for comments that other people were making. When we explained to him that it wasn't me he just said, "I don't care! You're sitting there with a smart aleck look on your face,YOU'RE OUTA HERE" Frown
But he was having a rough time and the fans were letting him know it, so he decided SOMEBODY was going. That was the only time I'd gotten tossed. Big Grin

Is that how you got your name???

I got tossed one time for trying to protect the umpire from getting hit during between inning warm ups.

Close play at first and he called our guy out to end the inning. I gave a courtesy argument because it was close but not enough to make a huge deal. Someone BESIDE our dugout wants to know if anyone in the dugout has glasses for the ump. He comes over to me and says if I don't control my players he is going to start tossing someone. He points out my best player who was the DH that day instead of catching in the dugout and was going to toss him. While he is thrashing me our firstbaseman is throwing groundball to our IF. The ball sails past the first baseman and almost hits him.

I told him let's move down and we can talk about it. He keeps thrashing me- refusing to move and another throw almost hits him (I don't know for sure but I could see my first baseman missing them on purpose - he was a real jerk sometimes). I told him again to move and this time he tosses me.

I went nuts then.
Gee, where do I start?....A courtesy arguement?--sounds like a coach--gotta complain about something, even if the call was right...
Then, you see your players attempting to hurt the ump (intentional miss of practice throws), and you dont control your players/warn them ect, just "tell" the ump to move,and then go nuts because you were tossed because you didnt address the warning to control bench....pathetic
*laugh* oh yeah, that jerky first baseman.....guess as his coach, you didnt feel like controlling him....just a lark, trying to hit the umpire Roll Eyes I do like the 'lets move the umpire instead of handling my player' part. Classic.

..and you got upset for being tossed....guess it was easier to face the ump that one of your players. I swear, there must be a brainwashing facility that coaches go to in order to have all sense of perspective erased.....
Last edited by LonBlue67
Well first let me finish the story and tell you I suspended my first baseman for three games and ran him every day he was suspended for doing that. I don't think I ever upheld him in my previous post. I just said I believe he missed them on purpose because he was a jerk like that. I did fail to mention I handled it the next day since I couldn't do anything because I was ejected.

The first throw could have been an accident - you do realize players do make bad throws on occasion. PLUS the umpire was standing directly behind first base where the ball would have hit. The second one is where I started thinking it might have been on purpose. By this point everything happend so fast there was no time to do anything before getting tossed. After the game I talked to my asst. coaches and we all came to the conclusion he missed them on purpose - still no concrete evidence to say that he did. We still punished him anyway - my apologies for not mentioning that ahead of time.

Secondly if you will reread my post it was something said from OUTSIDE the dugout that set him off and not anything my players inside the dugout said. He went to my best player and said it was him who said it - I saw the guy outside the dugout say it so I know it wasn't him. How can I control players in the dugout who are just sitting there not saying a word?

By the way a month before this happend the umpire had a son who was killed in a drowning accident (which I found out after the season was over because I was going to scratch him from our games the next season - our umpire assigner told me what happened - I didn't scratch him either). He came up to me about a year later and apologized saying he over reacted. I told him it was no big deal and I understood he was dealing with a ton of grief and offered my sympathies. He and I have had a great relationship since.

Now that I have explained everything fully why don't we go back and examine what you guys put - I think now that you have read the whole story I believe I covered everything you "objected" to in my previous post.

Also, since you guys think I have no discipline let me tell you I kicked my best player off the team the day before the playoffs because he showed up late for practice - and this was a season long issue. I warned him once, I suspended him two games on the second offense, the third time I sat him down with his parents and said he would be sitting out four games and the next time he was late he was dismissed from the team on the spot. We ended up losing the playoff game but amazingly no kid has ever been late again.

Why don't you guys ask for the all the facts before you start to criticize. Then again umps who are not very good tend to make a call before seeing everything - is that you guys???
Originally posted by archangel:
Gee, where do I start?....A courtesy arguement?--sounds like a coach--gotta complain about something, even if the call was right...

How do you know it was the right call? Were you standing there to see it? Or are you one of those guys who say the ump is right regardless of what happens? I agree what they say goes but that doesn't make it the right call - it just makes it the call both teams have to go with.

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