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I started having elbow pain a couple weeks ago as we started fall practice. I am starting my senior year as a pitcher. I went to the orthopedist and had it x-rayed and was diagnosed, with an olecranon impengement, basically one bone is scraping against the other every time I straighten my arm. So the doctor tells me to take all of September off, not throw. Come back if it continues to hurt and have it scoped and then shave the bone off. Sounds fine to me.

I go and tell my coach and he says that I should have it scoped and operated on now because if not my recovery will go into the upcoming spring season. Coach said if they scope it and find that it does not need operating only problem I have is a two-stitch hole.

So I was wondering what my parents and I should do? Should I wait the month just in case it is not the proper diagnosis( doctor said that anything in the elbow that was inflamed could have pushed the bones together, that is why he said to wait)? Or should I have it scoped now and have it taken care to be ready for the season?

Also, anyone have any information on recovery time for the type of surgery, and is this the same thing as a bone spur? Sorry for the long post, but thanks for any information.
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This is just my opinion, but unless the coach is an orthopedic surgeon, I would tend to do what your own orthopedic doctor recommends--and that would be to wait. Most would take the conservative route.

Even though arthroscopic surgery seems minor, it is not. Surgery is surgery--and with ALL surgeries there are many risks. You could actually end up with more than a "two stitch hole". I'm not saying not to ever have the surgery, but only if it is necessary as YOUR DOCTOR recommends, not a coach, who I would imagine is NOT a medical doctor.

I know that time looms large...but one month shouldn't make much of a difference in the scheme of things. Be patient and follow what your doctor suggests.
Last edited by play baseball

I go and tell my coach and he says that I should have it scoped and operated on now because if not my recovery will go into the upcoming spring season. Coach said if they scope it and find that it does not need operating only problem I have is a two-stitch hole.

Sounds to me like this coach means well. I don't think he meant anything by his statement but was only offering his 2 cents worth. I'm quite sure he would defer to the Doctor's opinion in each case.

As it appears, it seems fall ball is over for you anyway. Why not wait a month as your Dr. suggested? Perhaps you can get through this without 1 stitch or cut.

I wish you the best young man. Be careful with your elbow, no matter what.
I am not a Doc, but if one bone is scraping against
another....My question to the doc would be....what EXACTLY is going to happen (with rest) in one month that will repair my condition??? And If my bones are scraping now, what caused it. And if the cause is not repaired, what is to say it won't return in the spring. Did the doctor offer a therapuetic treatment?

Here is something:

Steven G. Manifold, MD
Presenter: Matthew D. Hepler, MD, New York Orthopaedic Hospital
Posterior olecranon impingement can be effectively treated by elbow arthroscopy if conservative therapy fails, according to a retrospective review presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 1998 Annual Meeting by Matthew D. Hepler, MD, of the New York Orthopaedic Hospital. Conservative treatment consists of rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication and steroid injections. Success rate for conservative treatment is usually around 80%

I too would get a 2nd opinion!

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