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Soliciting best wishes for CASon. He'll be going in for checkup tomorrow to see if he needs to get a pin in his elbow. (Similar to what Bobby Jenks had done a couple years ago.) Unfortunately, my guess is that he will need it as he's rested the stress fracture for 6 weeks with no improvement. It had nothing to do with pitching and came from throwing too much during HS infield practice after a long break from throwing due to another stress injury that had nothing to do with his arm.
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Thanks for the good wishes and prayers. The orthopedist took x-rays this morning and felt it looked like it was healing. He does want CASon to wait another 6 weeks and get another set of x-rays before throwing again, but that is far preferable to surgery.

Sorry to hear that. I haven't been on this board much lately so I didn't know your son had an elbow problem. I hope the surgery is minor, successful and that recovery is quick and complete.
One word of encouragement for both of you. I've had a couple of my summer kids who've had elbow injuries that didn't need surgery, but instead healed nicely with rest in a splint for about 5-6 weeks, and then physical therapy thereafter.

One of those boys missed the entire 2005 summer, and the other had to cut short his season this summer. The 2005 kid came back stronger than ever, and the other kid is going through PT at this time. Both are headed off to play baseball at a great school this fall.
Last edited by 06catcherdad

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