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Was he D1?

It is not a year of playing eligibility because he was not rostered on the team for the championship portion of the season. It is a year in residence, which for a D1 is 5 years to play 4. It doesn't count against the 4, but does against the 5.

If he was a redshirt Junior, by your RJr designation, that would mean he is already in his 4th year since starting his college career. This means that he currently has two years of sports eligibility but only one more year on his 5 year clock. At a D1, he would have to spend 1 year in residence at his new school before gaining eligibility to play there, during which time his 5 year clock would expire, making him ineligible to participate the following season.
Last edited by CPLZ
I'll assume that your son is at a 4 year school. Then he has probably not used a season of competition, unless he has engaged in intercollegiate competition during the current academic year.

14.02.6 Intercollegiate Competition. Intercollegiate competition occurs when a student-athlete in either a two-year or a four-year collegiate institution:
(a) Represents the institution in any contest against outside competition, regardless of how the competition is classified (e.g., scrimmage, exhibition or joint practice session with another institution’s team) or whether the student is enrolled in a minimum full-time program of studies;
(b) Competes in the uniform of the institution or, during the academic year, uses any apparel (excluding apparel no longer used by the institution) received from the institution that includes institutional identification; or
(c) Competes and receives expenses (e.g., transportation, meals, room or entry fees) from the institution for the competition.

You should read article 14.2.3 in the D1 Manual. But most schools, except a few in cold weather areas, are careful to not have intercollegiate competition before the spring season begins.

By RJr, do you mean that he is in his 4th year of college, having not competed in a redshirt year, and has competed in two other years? If so, spring 2010 is the last season in which he could play D1 baseball, and likely the last season he could play D2 or D3 (the exception would be if he wasn't always enrolled full-time). That's because of the D1 5 year rule or D2/D3 10 semester rule. (14.2.1) Playing D1 in spring 2010 would only be possible in rare situations.

Edited to say that I post slower than CPLZ. It's all that copying and pasting!
Last edited by 3FingeredGlove
The way I read it, you're correct.

I know with the uniform start date now, more schools are going to having some fall competitions against other schools which would burn a year of eligibility even if that player winds up getting cut for the championship portion of the season.

That seems unfair and should probably be reconsidered in light of the new schedule structure. But that would require fairness on the part of the NCAA, something they're not well known for. Wink
He is a 4th year student at the D-1 he entered as a freshman on Presidential scholarship, invited athletically. He was redshirted his freshman year.

There was an exhibition series in the fall against a non-collegiate 18-under travel team. I don't remember if he dressed, but probably did. He did not play. Would it matter since it's non-collegiate?

As a walk-on he's always "contributed" $ to cover practice/warm-up clothing. How is that viewed?

So, if he graduated D-1 and went to D-2 or D-3 for masters, would he have any eligibility? I know he's done at D-1 unless he tries again this fall, which the coach suggested.

Been a tough week, as you can imagine.
Originally posted by Homer Often:
I've noticed over the years that TRHit seems to be the Simon Cowell of this forum--truthful and knowledgeable, but with little diplomacy.

A polite response to the out of context rudeness you recieved.

What's your next trick rizzi, bounce from thread to thread with random cursing and more condemnations? Is that todays plan? Can't wait.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by Homer Often:
He is a 4th year student at the D-1 he entered as a freshman on Presidential scholarship, invited athletically.

I agree that life is unfair at times, and I also sympathize with the prediciment. However, with your sons intelligence and 3 years of college athletics on his resume this may be his "calling card" to make his mark in another direction. Careers end for everyone, most earlier than than anticipated, but they do end. I've followed this thread, and it sounds as though in a baseball sense your son can carry his own but on that team the coach felt he did not bring enough to the table . That is not a personal cut on your son, it is a coaches opinion and while it may hurt for a while, at the end of the day it is the coaches team.

I am also making an assumption that your athletic son is more brain than brawn, another tough one for dad and son swallow, but 90% of parents of athletes would sacrifice a lot to hear that accolade. IMHO that is a +++ statement that will take a kid a long way in life.

As careers wind down I'd rather have a in the road than a

I'll bet your sons fork has many new paths available. A masters degree is an academic milestone and the location of where you want to fulfil that accomplisment should not take back seat to a second baseball opportunity IMHO. Find the educational "fit" and maybe there's a baseball option as a "throw-in". Regardless of what happens I wish your son the best of luck and a happy tomorrow.
Last edited by rz1

Thank you for your thoughts (and diplomacy Smile). Baseball there just ended earlier than he expected. I don't disagree with anything you said, and I don't think my son would disagree too much either. We've always tried to be realistic. He's bummed, of course, that he performed as well as and better than some of the new JUCO guys that were kept (counters we suppose), but it is what it is and he will, as you suggested, follow new paths. He remains on good terms with the coaches, for whom he he has great respect.

Anyone with additional thoughts on eligibility?
Originally posted by Homer Often:

Anyone with additional thoughts on eligibility?

I think at this point, you are dealing with interpretation of rules like....

(a) Represents the institution in any contest against outside competition, regardless of how the competition is classified (e.g., scrimmage, exhibition or joint practice session with another institution’s team) or whether the student is enrolled in a minimum full-time program of studies;

If it were my son, I would have him email the coach and ask about eligibility. That way there is a paper trail of what was said and it leaves the interpretation in the institutions hands. JMHO
Since he was apparently recruited, I doubt he could play at a D1, as you have said. Also, since he has apparently been enrolled full-time for four years, he only has spring 2010 to play at any NCAA institution. So I would say that the season of competition question is moot: he has only used 2 or perhaps 3 seasons, and the 10 semester rule will keep him from playing more than one additional season.

If the question were germane, I would be inclined to neither ask nor tell, because an exhibition against an 18 year old team doesn't violate what I consider to be the spirit of the rule.

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