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cyclonecatch20 ...

both NC-dad and myself have sons at Elon Univ.

If you have any specific questions, send one (or both) of us a private message and we'll be happy to answer it in detail.

In summary:
Beautiful campus, nice facilities, very good conference (SoCon), Excellent schedule, well respected coaching staff, tough academically, field is well maintained.

A new AD is just starting this spring (Dave Blank, from Drake Univ). University was NAIA for years ... moved to D2 about 7 years ago ... moved to D1 about 5 years ago, played in the Big South for a couple years and moved to it's final home (probably) in the SoCon. In the previous two campaigns in the SoCon, they finished 4th and tied for 3rd. Very competitive team.
I would follow up with a phone call to the Recruiting co-ordinator. Remember that if your son is a junior they cannot call you but you can contact them. Ask what showcases/camps they will be at. They may also have their own camp which is often a way to be seen and to get to know the coaches. Just another thing to note Elon is avery competitive school academically. You must have grades and test scores to apply successfully.
VaDAD, great recommendation. We signed up for last fall and it has been a real blessing. We do the academic search FIRST, then have gone to schools to check rosters, scratching the ones that seem mainly in-state in their recruiting. There are still PLENTY of choices of great schools with wide-ranging rosters.
Elon does come to the Commonwealth Games in Roanoke every year, and they have recruited from there. My college roommate's son was initially seen by them at the Commonwealth Games and ultimately signed with them. They also like to recruit from their camps.

Stunningly beautiful school. It's often regarded as one of the prettiest campuses in the country.
I was recently at there camp in november(excellent camp foor them to see players). They told the players if they wanted an evaluation to email them and they'd be happy to. I emailed them but never got a response back, do you think I should let it go or continue to email them.

And being a junior, i can call , and email as much as i want and talk to them about anything right? They just can't start the conversation.
Welcome to the High School Baseball Web, Matt!

This website is credited by thousands of players and their parents for having been an invaluable resource for helping them navigate the scholastic baseball waters. Our family certainly counts ourselves among them!

P.S. Many thanks (again) to you and your fine folks for hosting us so well a couple of Sundays ago!
Last edited by Prepster
Elon's tuition is approximately $27K/yr, which is much less than most privates, and room/board is another $6K to $8K depending on your choices; so $33K annually for everything. Most in state schools are about $15K for everything, so it is about twice as much as a public. However, it is much less than most privates (e.g. Duke's tuition only is $42K). Great school with wonderful baseball program. They mainly recruit players that can play more than one position well and these players must be able to hit the ball. Academically, it is one of the better liberal arts colleges in the country.
I heard this week that Elon looks to lock up its freshman class well in advance of other schools, specifically 2013s being offered baseball scholarships need to respond to offers now. (February 2012).

Also that their scholarships are graduated: 35% first year rising to 60% by junior year is typical.

Nice facility with a quick artificial turf surface in cozy pine tree encircled confines.
You are speaking with knowledge of one recruit. I am very familiar with the situation that you are referring to since the boy played with me in Jupiter. His recruitment met the situation since many of the NE schools were being aggressive early.

I have sent 3 or 4 players there over the last few years and each was very different. 2 of them were summer offers like most. The player you are referring to has the chance to be special and thus the heavy offers from the NE schools.

Not a good generalization
Originally posted by RedSoxFan21:
I heard this week that Elon looks to lock up its freshman class well in advance of other schools, specifically 2013s being offered baseball scholarships need to respond to offers now. (February 2012).

This is exactly the circumstance with a teammate of Keewartson. Player went to the camp held at Elon during Thanksgiving weekend of his Junior year, and made the verbal committment the February following.

I am not privy to the scholarship amount.
Last edited by keewart
Originally posted by keewart:
This is exactly the circumstance with a teammate of Keewartson.

Thanks keewart, I appreciate the comment especially following merc's suggestion that it was not a good generalization.

Who's to say I was making a generalization? I was merely pointing out a single situation that others interested in the school might find of interest, not to mention those interested in the trend in recruiting overall.

Never suggested it was fact or standard practice, just that I recently heard of it.
Last edited by RedSoxFan21

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