After all these years I've always known there's been some emotional investment on my part with my son playing baseball. I just didn't realize how much until recently watching my now jr varsity player struggle at the plate. First few games of the season were great, then the next few it all seemed to change. It's like the confidence slowly poured out. Pretty sure the coach has lost some confidence in him as well? How can things change like that so fast, and how can he change it back the other way? Maybe this is just a bump in the road? I was so choked up for him after the last game, I really had to hold back the tears for him. Pretty sure that's just an overreaction on my part. I'm not too comfortable with that really. I mean, it's just baseball right? He's just a kid right? He's very passionate and has always worked so hard though that it hurts to see it suddenly isn't paying off anymore (or so it seems that way). I'm not sure why I'm even posting this, maybe just venting a little. It's not a complaint nor is it blaming anyone for anything, it just happened, just like that. I'm sure some here will set me straight.
Ok, reread this, and have to clarify he's a JR who's on Varsity. Not a jr varsity player, just for perspective.
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