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Yesterday was our last game. Mediumpapi is a freshman on the varsity team that lost their first regional game. Some of the seniors are going on to play college baseball, basketball or football. Most, have likely played their last competitive game.

Having only played HS ball as a soph, I never really thought about what it would be like to play your last game and was ashamedly surprised at the emotion these players showed when it was over.

My son said it better than I can relate here. With his own tears showing, he said, "I feel terrible for the Seniors."

He feels bad we lost, he feels bad the team played poorly, he feels bad he couldn't have played better himself to help the team win. I think he feels worse that some of these boys won't play again.

The seniors all accepted my son to the team and gave him a good lesson on being a great teammate. I pray my son will remember those lessons as he plays for the next three years.

Taylor, Tanner, Zach, Jordan and Kyle, God bless you and best of luck with whatever next Fall holds for you!
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Even if a HS player goes on to college, that last HS game is so full of emotion or it was for us. When my son was a freshman, I remember a scene similar to yours. We were leaving a surrounding county where they'd lost their final play off game. My son was crying his eyes out. I thought he was really taking that loss hard, but thought to myself he has several more years to go. I just let him cry and finally on the way home on the interstate he said "I'll never get to play with those guys again". He wasn't crying like a baby over the loss of the game, but the loss of teammates.
BiggerPapi- not sure what you mean by "ashamedly surprised"? For seniors especially this is a very emotional time (boys and girls). They are getting ready to graduate and they realize things as they've known them for years will be changing. They will miss their friends, their daily routine, their teachers(surprisingly), and for some their baseball teammates, some of which have played together since little league days. Getting emotional is normal, especially at their last hs game.

Sometimes there is crying in baseball and personally I think it's fine!

PS- hope we don't have any crying today (moms or players) as we have the 2nd round of sectionals. Wish us luck!
. Great lessons here...

Time is short..cherish EVERY moment, good AND bad...when it is over you will be wishing far it all back just one more time...

It goes by FAST...Sometimes make an effort to slow it all down...find a quiet place...maybe down the lines...and simply take a deep breath and smile and relaize how fortunate you are and how special and rare this all is...if you don't know it will when it is over.

Cherish those friendships...they are a large part of what makes the baseball experience so special...let them know...tell them...hug them...again some of these guys/parents you may likley see only sparingly or never agin...

Value and appreciate the team expeience...Team and family is a four letter word in our world, sport is one the the few places where it still exists...there is little bettre than idividual accomplishment, but team?...Team when is done well is simply magical and Devine....

Emotion is make makes human and it connects us in a way that nothing else can

Give thanks...To your team, our coaches, the other parents, the players, the field guys, the assistants...and to your everyone...way too much blame, bitterness, petty jelousy going down...not enough thank you going around these days...

Good luck to all in their final games...

Cool 44
Originally posted by CaBB:
BiggerPapi- not sure what you mean by "ashamedly surprised"?

Originally posted by observer44
"Emotion is make makes human and it connects us in a way that nothing else can"

That's exactly what I was trying to express....I never really understood how important this game might be to the players.

I appreciate this even more this morning.
Last edited by biggerpapi
Dare I admit that the song "We May Never Pass This Way Again" was played at my high school graduation? I forgot about it until now, reading this thread.....

Even if the team was made up solely of students in the same year and they all came back and nothing changed at all, it is still a different team... and we may never pass this way again.....

My freshman daughter who plays on the varsity softball team was pressed into service to play with the J.V. team on Senior Day. She felt jipped--because she was not able to honor her senior friends on her team on their special day. There is such an attachment.....and so I am posting the lyrics to my song....they don't all apply, but close enough.....

Life, so they say, is but a game and we let it slip away.
Love, like the Autumn sun, should be dyin' but it's only just begun.
Like the twilight in the road up ahead, they don't see just where we're goin'.
And all the secrets in the Universe, whisper in our ears
And all the years will come and go, take us up, always up.
We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.

Dreams, so they say, are for the fools and they let 'em drift away.
Peace, like the silent dove, should be flyin' but it's only just begun.
Like Columbus in the olden days, we must gather all our courage.
Sail our ships out on the open sea. Cast away our fears
And all the years will come and go, and take us up, always up.
We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.

So, I wanna laugh while the laughin' is easy. I wanna cry if it makes it worthwhile.
We may never pass this way again, that's why I want it with you.
'Cause, you make me feel like I'm more than a friend. Like I'm the journey and you're the journey's end.
We may never pass this way again, that's why I want it with you, baby.

We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.

Yes, treasure these moments. All of us, and all of them. Play as if it is your last game, because you never know when it will be. We may never pass this way again.

Biggerpapi--thanks for starting this thread. cry
Last edited by play baseball
When my daughter was a senior the softball picnic turned into a sobfest. The five seniors had played together since middle school and lost very few games. The entire team, led by these five were very close. The team would all go out to dinner together after Friday's games. They were seen as the five older sisters by the underclassman. While all five are still playing, they went in five directions.

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