I was at a hgh school game and behind the dugout there were equipment bags some of them had as many as 4 bats . Do you hit better with the more bats you have? excuse the old school sarcasm but I can not help it
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For some bats are like irons in a golf bag for different hitting scenarios.
I’m with you @Will but my son was good for switching bats when he felt like he wasn’t hitting well. Usually not one he had in his bag…he would just borrow one from a friend. Not as much of an issue with wood bats now (and he has to have a few of those). We were not the parents to finance more than one bat a year and at a certain age we stopped buying them when he created a cool side business buying and selling bats for profit.
Agree with PTWood, in my experience, no matter how many bats a player had, he almost always used one that belonged to someone else. I seem to remember my son's bag having a couple, but most were hand-me-downs.
4 bats is a status symbol
Metal gamer, wood gamer, overload trainer, underload trainer. Yes, you hit better if you do overload/underload training.
Were they a mix of wood and metal? Maybe he keeps a backup for each in his bag? For a while my son had a 32 and a 33 metal in his bag and a couple of wood bats if he forgot to take them out. For the summer he always has 3 wood bats.
My son started out as a catcher. He was programmed to think about space in his bag. Only packing what’s needed became early habit. During school season it was one metal bat. In summer ball it was two wood. Even when he stopped catching in 13u. What there was too much if in his bag were sunflower seeds and dirty socks.
Required to have at least two so you can place your cleats on the knob after the game as you strut to the parking lot in your slides or Crocs.