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Does anyone else get this message on the bottom left of the screen when they attempt to respond to a post? It only happens in a minority of attempts to respond but means I have to log off and log back on again, or close and reopen the window. I'm trying to figure out if it's a hsbaseballweb issue or something with my laptop.

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I have experienced a few occasions where I had difficulty submitting a reply. It seems that the page gets one of these Internet Explorer messages about not finding the page selected (The heading is, "The Page Can Not Be Displayed".). It stays within the pop-up window. The thread page is not updated with the post. If I refresh the pop-up window, a page appears that looks like it is a page before the forums, showing links to my personal zone,HSBBW, the Member Directory, Help, and a list of the newest members.

It's frustrating, but I have never had to log back into the web site. Perhaps that is because I use the remember me option that uses cookie or something like that. After a couple of times, I remember to copy my input before I hit the Post Now button. Roll Eyes

I attribute my difficulties to the military system that I sometimes use which has some strident blocking software running in the background and is also mighty slow. I have not noticed the problem with a different ISP that use when I am away from work. Then again, I have posted using two different military computers and the problem has been limited to one; and that has been only a handful of occurrences.

I hope this is helpful.
Last edited by infidel_08
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
I regret to inform you that I used to have that problem, but then installed an anti-virus program and after that the problem stopped. I'm no computer guru by any means, but from my experience I would say, better safe than sorry, make sure your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs are up to date!
I have McAfee through Comcast. It's constantly updated. I think I need to keep track of what network I'm on when it happens to see if it can be isolated to a specific network.
Last edited by RJM

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