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This may just be a personal opinion but I don’t see the value of widely distributing stats. Keep them on your computer and if a players wants specific information on his stats share it with him. Otherwise keep them between the coaching staff.

I have used eteamz for several years and found its biggest use was to keep players updated on schedules and immediate updates like rainouts. There is a feature that allows for a pop up to come up showing new information.
Our team site is on

They allow you to password protect various parts of the site if you choose. We restrict access to the team roster branch of the tree, so to speak. That's where the stats are.

Players, coaches, parents and some fans learn the password. But opposing teams looking to scout us, or other folks who might make improper use of roster info, can't get to that info.
Originally posted by JT:
They USED to have a feature to where you can restrict certain parts of the sites for certain users. We had an eteamz site and restricted the stats to our coaches.

JT - now that I think about it, you are right. You can restrict access to certain users.

I guess what I was thinking was if the coach was looking for upload capability, he already had the data on his own computer. Might as well just put it in excel and create his own stats from there. No need for the extra step if he is keeping the stats just for the coaches.

Coach, if you need help on excel just drop me a PM
I made a site for our team as well on eteamz. The suggestion was made (jokingly) to put false stats on the board, open access, and see what happens when other teams use em.

Yes, you can restrict access to select members. I think it's just as easy to let the coach keep up with stats and distribute as he sees fit. The site is dynomite for keeping everyone informed, and schedules available online.

I don’t understand why you’re so worried about anyone seeing the stats. These aren’t little kids and their parents who might break down and start crying if they see their numbers aren’t among the best in the state!

If you go to , you’ll see more than one or two schools that post stats. I know that at least NC also has a place for stats at . In Ca almost all of the JUCOs post stats to . Most colleges have sites to post stats, and Pro teams can find out a heck of a lot with a few clicks of the mouse!

What could a rival possibly get from being able to see the numbers? They can see who the best and worst players are, and that’s all!

The only reason I can see to keep them a secret is if they aren’t valid.
For the past few years our league has kept our stats on a free site open to all. It has been very good for everyone involved. The newspapers and radio have access and so do players and coaches. Stats don't tell the whole story, we all know that. Like TR said, if the guy comes up in the 3 hole i don't need a stat sheet to tell me he's a stick.
I've done it both ways.. secretive and open and i prefer the open. So one vote here for public stats...
Originally posted by catcher09:
This may be to simplistic but I believe at the HS and below level the only "public" stat should be W-L. IMHO

Why? Unless the numbers are faked, what difference does it make? Underlying all else, baseball is a game of statistics. No matter what you or anyone else does, parent and players will keep track of their numbers to some degree, so why not do it by the rules and allow whoever wants to see them, see them?

Maybe at the very low levels where everyone’s new to the game and doesn’t understand the rules or how different stats are calculated, coaches will get parents climbing all over them about Johnny’s numbers, but I think that’s something much overblown.

And even if it wasn’t, wouldn’t it be beneficial to everyone, and to the game, if time were taken to explain the rules and how the numbers are derived, rather than people just throwing numbers out there by rote?

Teams I scored for got to see the numbers for 4 years of LLI Majors, 2 years of LLI Jrs, 4 years of HS, 6 years of travel/tournament ball, and 2 years of JUCO. I started out printing them and handing out copies to anyone who asked, then I e-mailed them to anyone who wanted them, and now they go up on a website for the world to see.

The teams have varied in success from league champs to league chumps, and from local punching bags to National Champs. And guess what? Never had a suicide. Wink

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