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Congratulations. I hope everything works out. You have experienced the great dilemma of college baseball. What you are looking for most is opportunity over money because in most cases the money simply is not all that much. Then the question becomes: is baseball really worth it, especially if pro baseball later is not realistically in the equation.

It is a shame that Title IX has brought us to this. If only they did not count football in the equation. But they do, and thus the dilemma. Some families choose differently and a as a result, baseball comes to a quicker end than would otherwise be the case. It can actually be very depressing.
Originally posted by Sue54:
Originally posted by Bee>:
congrats to your son, it's great everything fell into place Smile

now that it's a done deal, you can post school & player info

Thank you! I will post that info as soon as he calls the other School's to let them know. he ended up with 2 NLI so I feel that should come first. He will do that today.

[What you are looking for most is opportunity over money because in most cases the money simply is not all that much]

Great news Sue. It sure feels good doesn't it? The above point really nails it for our family. The money part of college never factored that prominently. This is not some financial "surprise" that came out of the blue...we've been planning for college for almost 20 years. So by good planning we were able to take advantage of the opportunity rather than the opportunity take advantage of us. Put a whole different spin on it. The perfect fit came without too many financial constraints because we saw it coming from way back when. I know this cannot be the case for everyone.

CONGRATULATIONS from us in Illinois!!!! It's not always about money, and it's not always about baseball, it's about getting a good education!!! If baseball is involved, and if money is involved, then all the better.

Like everyone has stated, FIT, that warm and fuzzy feeling (o.k., so maybe I'm over doing it a little), that feeling of being welcome/wanted by the school and coaches, that is what helped my son make his decision.

Best of luck to your son!!!!!

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