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This afternoon(april, 4, 2007) my high school, Northern Durham, faced off with Jordan high school. Jordan has about 5 college bound players, number 1 in the conference and all that good stuff. No one in the stadium thought we could have a chance at coming out with the victory expect our players and coaches who've worked 13 hour days in the classroom and on the baseball field. Coming off a tough lost to rival Riverside, you can bet that coach has been workin us rather hard to say the least at practice. Before we take infeild Coach Shankle has a good motivational speech and everyones hyped, I knew from there we were ready to play. So infields done and i take down my red bull as i do before every game, and probably a little too fast. The announcer starts to announce the players and i throw up all over the place (i've been sick lately, but i'm guessin it was the drink), right as i wipe my mouth they call out my name kinda suprising me so I run out to shortstop for the playing of the national anthem. So we play a pretty good game and we're down 3-1 in the bottom of the six. 2 guys get on, and i'm up to bat. Jordan then brings in another pitcher that i've played with since i was 10. I step up to the plate, and the first pitch is a curve ball for a ball. Now my mind is thinking...this guy ain't gonna walk me i'm seein a fastball right he pitches and it's like slow thing I know the ball is landin in the woods in dead center. I'm so excited at this point i wanna do flips around the bases. We end up holdin them and we win 4-3. Keep in mind Jordan was the school I was going to go to, and I've played with those kids since tee ball...this is deff one of my greatest sports moments...I loved every minute of it, and now our team is pumped in hopes of winning the conference title!
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
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