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My coach says that I have a good, fast stroke but I need to keep the barrel in the strike zone longer. I have attempted to do this only to find myself losing a lot of power trying to push my arms toward the pitcher... Any suggestions or different wording on how to 'extend the barrel through the strike zone'?
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We use multiple tees to work on this. You can use two or even three.

With two tees, put one a little deeper into you than you normally think you like to make contact. Put the other ball maybe 3" directly in front of it on the same level. Then work on hitting both for line drives with one swing.

With three tees, put the middle ball where you like it, the other two balls 2" ahead and behind. Again, swing to get all three hit as line drives.

You can combine this with use of a tool like the Instructo Swing swing trainer for instant feedback without a coach's help.

What you're describing is a typical comment from a coach to a player whose follow through turns off too soon. These drills will help you build the habit of following through more on the path of the ball. This way if your timing isn't exactly perfect, you still can hit the ball reasonably well. Think of the middle ball as a HR if you get it there in a game. The other two balls may not go out but can still be decent hits.
Originally posted by SJS BASEBALL:
..find myself losing a lot of power trying to push my arms toward the pitcher...

Trial and Error at its best. You now know what pushing your arms toward the pitcher will get you. At best weak contact into a DP or PO.

Also, I would suggest you film some video of your swing and determine, what, if anything, is wrong with your swing. The time / money investment in the video, IMHO, will be a better investment than most hitting aids.

Many well meaning coaches (who want nothing more than to help their players) have given seriously flawed advice. Some give advice and tinker with a player's mechanics to leave their mark.

You may want to talk to the coach and ask him to show you video of what he means by "extending through the strike zone".

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