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Cleveland Dad got me thinking about the fall when he mentioned about going down to watch his son's final fall World Series.

Gosh the fall is great. Among other things, the weather is much better than in early spring. My son's team is in the middle of its Fall World Series and the weather was PERFECT, today. The players were in full home and away unis...and a large number of parents were down for the weekend and we had a better crowd at today's game than most spring games. The freshmen parents were noticeable by pretty much standing by themselves...I am sure wondering "how does my son fit in" and just taking it all in. The returnees' parents were all renewing acquaintances from last spring...catching up on news...and wondering how the new players would "fit in" to the mix and who would fill the holes from the graduated player. The players? They don't give a rip...they just play and have fun..."giving it" to their team mates in the opposing dugout...simply PLAYING a game that is meant to be "played." No pressure...other than to look good in front of parents and girlfriends. In was a "pure" game out there today!

I LOVE THIS GAME! It's gonna be a long time until February 7th!
********************************************** Baseball players don't make excuses...they make adjustments.
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Nice post and so true. We went to Parents Day yesterday for a scrimmage and then a cook out. After the scrimmage the head coach introduced the new players and then had them introduce their family to everyone. Then Coach introduced his staff to all the parents. The scrimmage was exactly as you said. The guys were competing hard but they were also having a ton of fun. I love the way all the players pull for one another and always pick each other up.

Everyone I met were first class in every way. I loved the way the coaching staff spent the entire scrimmage constantly coaching and teaching the players. Everything was always positive. It sure is fun to see an entire team get after it hard and be team players. Yes it was alot of fun. Our Fall World Series will not be until the end of the month and the start of Nov. I am already looking forward to it. Very nice post and very true.
You guys helped bring back great memories, fall scrimmage (purple and orange games) held late in October at Clemson was awesome. The first time we went up, the temp dropped to 40 degreees. Eek That was the first time I met my good friend catchersdad, they were up for OV recruiting weekend.
The second year I remember that the coaches let some players coach first and third. There didn't seem to be much sanity to the last game, everyone having a lot of fun with no pressure, mine carrying out the broom at the end for the sweep.

Fall scrimmage is a great time to see your freshman interact with his teammates for the first time, your older playing participating what might be his last, and get to meet other parents.

Last edited by TPM
Everyone I met were first class in every way. I loved the way the coaching staff spent the entire scrimmage constantly coaching and teaching the players. Everything was always positive.

This was the same experience we had when we attended a couple of our son's fall scrimmages two weeks ago for Parents Weekend. It was so neat to see the head coach giving pointers to the infielders in between innings and the fielding coach/recruiting coordinator bantering with the players. The pitching coach was involved in conversations at various times, but turned his head every time a practice pitch or real pitch was thrown and took each pitcher aside after their time on the mound to offer further instruction. What a blessing to have our son at a school where the coaches are so intent on fully developing their players -- and keeping it positive at the same time.
After fall scrimmage and conditioning, HC runs a week long event called the "Omaha Challenge". The entire team is broken into 4 teams, with captains to compete and the pitchers and position players compete within themselves and for their team. It's a great physical and mental activity and promotes team unity. Winning team gets steak at the annual holiday party at the HC's home, where the team exchanges goofy prizes.
The incoming freshman, not familiar with the challenge, thinking they came into fall in great shape get a dose of reality. The following fall, they are usually the ones working the hardest in the gym, preparing for their next challenge.

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