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Who is your favorite Baseball Commentator and Why?

So many local "homers" out there.... but I am sure there are a few who are good.

Jim Kaat is my present favorite. He is insightful and interesting and his humility is beyond reproach (despite HOF numbers IMO)

And all you LA bums Smile we all know how good Vin Scully is and how lucky you are to have him Smile
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I have enjoyed the team of Sutcliffe and Piazza as well. One critique of just about everyone is that they seem to act as if it would be a sin if one moment went by without saying something. Tim McCarver is very knowlegable, however, he is the poster boy for talking way, way too much. Bob Costas can be excellent but sometimes gets too caught up in himself. Vin Scully is old school and I love hearing him call a game. My favorite baseball moment is Kirk Gibson's homerun off of Dennis Eckersley. I don't recall Vin talking during the whole trip around the bases.
As I said in another post yesterday, Vin Skully is the man. He transcends the field and blends the magic and history of the game with insight into the heart and psyche of the big league player. When he is "on", he is the Walt Whitman of commentators. You can smell the grass and feel the grit of the infield clay under your feet...

Of course, most of us really miss Harry Carey. Again, seemingly half-lit at 1:00 in the afternoon, boldly going where no commentator had gone doubt he had no idea where he was headed at the time, either. The off-the-cuff stuff that slurred out of his mouth was always interesting, if not sometimes emabarrassing to someone! And he could care less! Man did he love his Cubbies! Like a father-sometimes it was 'tough love'. He never hesitated to say exactly what was on his mind or how he felt about a given player, yet he never really crossed the line on personal issues that became public.

Kaat is great, Piazza will be really good (watch and wait - he will be more visable than you might think after retirement)and I kind of like Eckersly. David Justice, in his raw state, at times can really add to the game-or not.

All this from a life-long Yankee fan.....
Classy, knowledgeable, excellant game analysis, we lost a Great One in Jack Buck. As was just mentioned about Scully during Gibson's homer, after McGwire broke the HR record, Jack simply said, "Pardon me while I stand and applaud", or his "Go crazy, folks, go crazy" for Ozzie's hr against the Dodgers. Everyone got to see a bit of Our Jack during his introduction to the first televised game after 9/11.

I don't think the 'homer' thing is at all necessary, particularly with radio announcers. If I want to, I can just to sit next to another fan during the game broadcast and make excuses --- I like a bit more information and objectivity from a pro. And things like Ron Santos' groaning and whining during games really makes me crazy!

Baseball fans listen on the radio when they can't see the game live or on TV. Casual fans don't. I think the good radio announcers recognize their audience.

The Cards have got Wayne Hagin and Mike Shannon and I do enjoy them --- Shannon's a character, comes out with some bizarre phrases (just in case we're still missing Harry....I have a list, even), but certainly makes the game colorful. He and Wayne are also honest about the team's strengths and weaknesses...and will let you know as quickly when we got the advantage of a bad call as when we got hosed.

The TV guys aren't in the same class as the radio announcers. Odd, as their job should be easier. Perhaps it's the face-man ego-thing that won't allow them to shut up and let the action speak for itself when appropriate. (Why, for example, do they EVER show the announcers?)
Orlando - your analysis is right on. I didn't mention Jack Buck because he is no longer with us but, he was a great one. Unfortunately, Joe Buck is not even close to his father.

From what I have read, there is a lineage that goes back to at least Red Barber. Some of The ones we consider great today like Scully have
been highly influenced by him. Ernie Harwell was another great one who has retired recently.
Harry Caray--hands down the best ever. I like Bob Costas too and always hoped he'd take over Cubs games after Harry was gone.

I cannot stand listening to McCarver or Morgan. One talks too much and the other talks too much and has nothing to say. Piazza doesn't have the voice to do it longterm.

I'm surprised that nobody yet mentioned how absolutely horrible Chris Berman is as a baseball announcer.
There was an interview with Jack & Joe Buck shortly before he died. Joe was asked how much he learned from is father, and his answer was "everything" and proceeded to give a laundry list. Then the interviewer aske Jack what he had learned from his son. His response: "nothing". Even at the time, I didn't think it was an example of Jack's sense of humor.....
Of course, most of us really miss Harry Carey.

"And now pitching for the Yankees, uh, err, Aruba Air-A-Boo."

I think he meant Hideki Arabu. Smile

I miss Harry BAD.

Eck is over the top as a homer. Jim Rice is the Mercedes to Eck's jacked up Camaro SS. As my mother would say "no class".

I am not sure what Chris Berman is besides a well compensated, TV baffoon, but he ain't no baseball guy. He is completely incoherent.

Jeff Brantley is a bright, credible guy who understands that Johnny Miller is the best golf announcer because he points out when a guy (or gal) screws up. He is quick to point out mental mistakes and "paycheck stealers"

My definition of a good announcer is one who keeps me watching as my team is getting blown out. Jerry Remy for the Sox does that well.
Last edited by Dad04
Can't get too worked up about any of today's announcers except my vote for the worst goes to McCarver.

Why? Because he is wrong more than half the time when identifying pitches thrown, strategy. Or is it because he gets crabby if he doesn't hear his own voice in the headset? Maybe it's because he is just annoying, as the kids say?

For me its all five.Smile
active to say Jon Miller......who does a great imitation of one of the best Vin Scully.......

Vin good for so long...

and the umpires choice for the worst rules knowledge by an announcer goes to:.........

its a tie!

Tim McCarver and Harold Reynolds.........both awful on the rules....
I'm with Piaa_ump and hokieone -

I think that Jon Miller is the best announcer in the business, bar none -- interesting, knowledgable and funny, and he makes whoever is working with him better. We're very lucky here in the Bay Area to have him, Mike Krukow and Duane Kuiper - they are the best team around.

My FAVORITE announcer of all times, though, is Bob Euker when he was in his prime calling for the Brewers. I don't think there was ever a game I listened to, where at least once (usually more) I didn't laugh out loud.
Last edited by URKillingMeBlue

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