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I strongly disagree with knowitall's comments.....

I’ve been following armature baseball in Texas for twenty eight years and this product is without a doubt, the best covering all of Texas baseball. Just like I’ve said in all of my media spots or whenever I am asked about the product, why has it taken all these years to get a product this good especially at the High School and College level? I say congratulations to Kurt & Lauren on a fantastic new issue and best wishes for a GREAT new year!
Last edited by H5AB
Originally posted by H5AB:
I strongly disagree with knowitall's comments.....

I’ve been following armature baseball in Texas for twenty eight years and this product is without a doubt, the best covering all of Texas baseball. Just like I’ve said in all of my media spots or whenever I am asked about the product, why has it taken all these years to get a product this good especially at the High School and College level? I say congratulations to Kurt & Lauren on a fantastic new issue and best wishes for a GREAT new year!

Indeed! Well stated, H5AB.
I do not know you personally, so please do not take this in the wrong vein. However, you coming on here and gushing praise for TTB is a bit self serving in light of the fact that your group provided the material for the Houston section of the magazine. The entire magazine is very good, and frankly the Houston portion was the most in depth of any of the areas, which indicates you know your stuff. In the past, there have been many groups that have been unjustly villifiled on this site for self promotion. If you are not careful, you may be next in the "haters" crosshairs.
Uncle E,

Thank you for your comments. We work real hard here in Houston to cover and promote the High School game. Please believe me when I say, I promote this magazine because of all the great people involved in it. Not for any financial or personal gain at all. I am thrilled to death that there is a printed product on the market that promotes the game on a monthly, not yearly basis. It's just another tool to promote the game in Texas which is by far the most fertile and talent saturated land in all of High School Baseball. Kurt and Lauren have put together a product that I have dreamed about for years and they have done so with great ambition and care. As for myself, I am an amateur writer at best but the magazine has many, many, professional writers from all corners of the state who do a fantastic job. I think Texas needs a publication like TTB and I don't mind promoting such a great product. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with the Houston coverage but there are many other parts of the Feb issue that are just as good if not better. Again, thank you for the kind words and I hope everyone found a little something they can enjoy in the Feb issue.
Originally posted by Total Texas Baseball:
If you have not received your subscription this month, please email us at and we will ship one out to you directly first class.

I apologize for this inconvenience.

Thank you,

BUMP for you 62tiger. I hadn't rec'd mine as of Saturday either. So, I e-mailed the above and rec'd a prompt response.

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