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Originally posted by swingdoctor14:
Old joke and I'm sorry if it was off base. No, there wasn't actually a fight at the bat rack last night. Big Grin

Sorry, it went right over my head, should have seen it coming. But the Coors Light from last night has me thinking foggy today. Guess I need to leave early and go watch my son play baseball.
It stinks right now with my two favorite professional teams sinking fast due to lack of runs and zero relief help. If it weren't for DBat and the Tigers, sprinkle in a little Mustang, and Wildcat sauce, I'd get pretty fed up with baseball. Forgot to mention Ken and Texan squaring off on occasion. Now thats a match-up worth staying in touch for.
OP- Wednesday? Dang't, I'll be at a premier... I was hoping to see that. I know he'll do fine. Show Puerto Rico what the USA is all about.

BTW- He better get some run support, their teams are s******. You can pitch lights out and still give up 2-3 runs, so make sure your team scores 4 or 5 .

You're right on about PR. I'm sure they'll be digging in and swinging out of their ........well, you know what I mean!! Hopefully ML will be mentally focused and on top of his game and hopefully the bats will be there.

Good luck down in College Station. Is this the start of the fall or the end of the summer for you guys....or is there really an end or a start? What did I just say? It's getting late and I'm tired.
OP- I think it ends for a few weeks... I love baseball, but it's got to have some kind of end... even if it's not a true end. Fall will start soon enough, we've got to figure out the team, etc. I'll keep ya posted... if you care.

Of course I care.....I care about young people and the things that mean much to them. Especially when it's good things like baseball. Please keep me posted and I hope things work out for you guys, I really do. You deserve it! Keep your head up and it will all be fine and work out according to God's plan. That's the truth in my opinion.
That's where your the great guy/dad you are. You truly have an interest in the well-being of every ballplayer. Gosh look at me, the one who hates compliments. I guess it's just too rare these days where you can find a father son combo that respect the game, coaches, and play/act the way it should be done.

Yes, I do. I want to see the best out of every person/player. Life is too short here on earth to not want good things to happen to good people. That's what life's all about, wanting to help other people succeed.

I'll get off my soapbox.
Originally posted by WoodenStix3000:
Ya, that would be good. Hey OP you say you care bout youg kids and there interests, did u think about your son wanting to stay in the Rock? From what I heard he wanted to, on the good side though how is he doing this summer?

That to me is an unfair statement. We as parents want the best for our kids but sometimes real life can get in the way of our kids interests. My son would like to drive a Vette, but it ain't happening. And if my job moved me away from Keller, as disappointed as my son would be, he'd have to deal with it.
I agree KD.

WoodenStix -- I cannot judge your intent -- but it seems like you are "baiting" OP into a discussion concerning his decision to move back to McKinney. If that is the case, please have the discussion in private. It would benefit no one to make the interaction public.

I support the tough decisions that OP has had to make regarding his family moves.

OP is a genuine man and a great father from what I can tell.

Ya, that would be good. Hey OP you say you care bout youg kids and there interests, did u think about your son wanting to stay in the Rock? From what I heard he wanted to, on the good side though how is he doing this summer?


Matt is doing fine. He's had a great summer playing with 3 different teams and getting a lot of time on the mound and behind the plate. He is looking forward to pitching and catching for the McKinney Mavericks in the MMWS next week. Thank you for asking. He'll get over the move soon enough. He has lot's of great friends here in McKinney that he's known forever. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do is all I can say.

Oh, and if we just judged whether we move by if our kids want to or not, then we would never have moved to Rockwall.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
The Tigers 16U decided to play in the Premier Championship in College Station next week. They will do well there against good competition. I certainly understand why people are disappointed to lose Matt -- he is a difference-maked for a team. The Rock will be strong in any case, with their fine tradition, excellent athletes, and a coach that has a year at the helm under his belt.
You are right about the Rock bein strong. They have Clinard coming off an all district year in pitching and Lunday who I have heard is pitching supurb!! It will be a senior roster no doubt but pitching will be fine but ML would help the run with veteran stix and a strong, loaded experieced hitting team. Who's fav. in the Premier Championship?

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