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Quick technical questions:

Is there a general rule about what stats to use on the recruiting forms? If they don't specify, are they looking for most recent seasons (is, summer 2011?) or does one assume they want the entire HS career?

In my 2013 son's case, he only has one season of varsity which (for reasons of local 'tradition' to put it politely) he had no at bats, and was only offered one start and lots of mid relief 'no save opportunity' situations. So his varsity record is sparse so far; and, I don't have access to the book. His summer pitching stats are very strong.

We are inclined to just do the summer stats for now. Does that make sense?

Good luck to everyone in Irene's path. She looks like a bad girl.
If we don't loose power, we both plan to use the Irene weekend as a 'catch up on paperwork' weekend!
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I'd indicate that they're "summer team only," and go with those. If coaches are interested in his stats at all (see below), they'll only be interested in ones that have some meaning. You can always update his high school information after he's completed his junior season next year.

Keep in mind, though, that if you were to produce a hierarchy of importance pertaining to items on that questionnaire, your son's stats would be at or near the bottom. High school-level stats are notoriously bad (for a variety of reasons); so, they tend to be glanced at and dismissed.

Best of luck to him!
Last edited by Prepster

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