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How did you players and folks feel on your final game ever as a player?When did it really hit you that it was over?

We just finished our season friday night,with a loss to a very good 5a team in the regional championship,falling one victory short of the state tournament.We had played 5 games in 2 days,and just ran on empty at the end. If there was a team,and a pitcher to lose to though,it was them. Their SP is a close friend,and a guy who has overcome so much in his life that Im happy things went well for him this season,and that night.

We were the 4th seed our of 4 in our regional,and we beat the #1 seed twice in 2 days to knock them out of their own regional.Both games against them ended in dramatic fashion,in 9 innings and 10 innings respectively, with walk off hits. It was a great feeling to finally win a game in regionals for the 1st time in 4 years(lost on some walkoffs the previous 2),and advance as far as we did. When we beat the 1 seed for the 2nd time to knock them out, we shook their hands after the game.Most of their seniors were in tears,and it was just an unreal moment, because it was the realization for some of them that they would never step foot on a field again.

It was an emotion we would feel 4 hours later.When the final out was recorded,we shook their hands,and coach talked to us after. There wasnt a dry eye in that final huddle as he told us how proud he was for what we did this year,and how he was honored to watch us develop into men these last 4 years. I havent had the best relationship with the coach, but when we said that is was a great thing to hear. As we made our way back into the dugout the underclassmen too were in tears. All 12 of us seniors had gave each other hugs,and just wished each other luck down the road. Probably one of the most memorable moments of my life to this day. I will never forget the words my friends said to me after the game,ever.

Its all starting to hit me now.I wont see a lot of the guys who have been my teammates for 4+ years now again.Life is about to change.Im sure the majority of us will stay in touch.We were closer then most teams I know,and it will stay that way. I just wish I was able to be out there with my guys when the final out was recorded, but my time in baseball has been over,but in a way,Ive grown as a teammate as a result.

Thanks for letting me share my baseball life with you all for the past 4 years. I hope if any underclassmen read this,value each and every day out there. Its a gift,its a blessing, whether or not you realize it now. For a while I thought about transferring and questioned whether if my choice was correct.Not anymore. I would do it all over again. Things really do happen for a reason.
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FC27- congratulations on becoming the finest kind of person that baseball can create. You are a team mate, a loyal friend and a fierce competitor. Baseball often demands that it's players be all three, all at the same time. I am especially impressed that you are able to wish your friend on the opposing team well.
In the end, it's all about developing those qualities and baseball has given you such a great start! You are right, cherish those times on the field, in training, and those after-the-game, sit-on-the-tailgate conversations.
Even though you may not play ball with those teammates again, you have shared such a unique experience with them, and I would bet that there will be some you will keep in touch with throughout your life - those are the best kind of friends.
The sting goes away eventually, and the appreciation of the game and those relationships fill that empty feeling. Everything happens for a reason, whether it's baseball or anything else you're involved in.
Have faith in yourself! You have much to be proud of.
Keep us in the loop - we can't wait to hear what you tackle next!

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