Originally Posted by freddy77:
Originally Posted by cabbagedad:
. We move players up and down for lots of reasons.
You make good points.
However, in the original post, the reason given for dropping down the V players was "the boys wanted to play with their peers."
That rubs me the wrong way. Not, IMO, an adequate reason to bench 3 JV players who had been working hard together all season.
On the other hand, I also strongly believe in the standard advice that the original poster should ignore it, forget about, don't talk about it with other parents, and ideally watch all HS games in isolation, behind the OF fence, away from all the other parents.
Freddy, I personally agree that that reason is not a good one. To be honest, I sort of chalked that up to "lost in translation", assuming OP may not know first hand what the real or whole reason/s were behind the decision, which is so often the case. That's largely why I offered up other possible explanation.
And your point certainly has merit as well. Although, if we agree that the primary function of JV is to be a conduit to V, to help prepare players for V and have players ready for the call when needed, then there are many instances when sending players down can make as much sense as sending players up. As usual, it's rarely black and white and there are always many things to consider.
Most importantly, we totally agree on advice that should be given to the parents. I do wish that those parents trying to handle things well like KandK don't have to sometimes feel like they have to isolate themselves from the other parents though. Team spirit and camaraderie among parents should be the rule rather than the exception.