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This seems like a relatively minor injury, but it has caused my son a great deal of inconvenience and pain. He is a pitcher, just graduated from high school, playing summer ball and getting ready for college ball. He had his best season ever his senior year, consequently, he pitched more innings than ever before. His shoulder and elbow have held up fine, the problem is with his fingers, specifically the index finger, middle finger, and thumb.

The skin on the tips of those three fingers is just flat out worn away. It looks as if his fingers have been sanded. He did have callouses that had developed, but they have been worn or torn away. The skin on the tip of his index finger is split over the top of his finger and down into the side of his finger nail. When you look at his fingertips, you can see tiny blood blisters forming under the layer of skin that is there.

I am constantly on him about washing his hands and keeping them clean because I am afraid of infection setting in because of all of the open areas. His biggest concern is what it has done to his pitching. He is having a lot of pain when he throws, and can't get good movement on his breaking pitches.

I know, the answer is to stop pitching, but he is 18 and feels as if he would be letting down his teammates and coaches. We just returned from a tournament where we finished with 9 players, because the ones who were struggling or flat disinterested didn't bother to show up. This isn't a rec team that he is on; it is a select team made up of players by invitation only.

He will have about 2 weeks between the end of the summer season and when he leaves for college. Is this enough time for his fingers to heal? Is there any sort of treatment (cream or lotion) that would help his fingers heal? How can he prevent this in the future?

Thanks for the info.
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I'm curious BBMom. Is son committed already to play somewhere this year?

If so, I'd seriously consider having a talk with his coach and talking about son leaving the team due to this condition and the closeness of being at his new school/team. Just like it's imperative that he be in shape, i.e. physically and pitching shape, it is also very important that he have no bumps or bruises that might hinder him early with the team and coach. He needs to be 110% ready when he arrives and as bad as it will stink, his focus should be now on his new school and team. Surely this travel team coach will understand and agree. If not, oh well. Life goes on.

I've personally never heard of finger tip problems this extreme but stopping pitching TODAY would be the very 1st step Id take to have him ready in 2 weeks. Maybe ask a Pharmacist if they might have something they could recommend and something he can continue to use this fall.

This split finger/nail issue needs addressed early. Have you tried googling split finger tips and/or nails for any recommendations, etc? If you dont find anything, go to a Dr. asap. He may need some extra strength cortisone, etc.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks, YGD. Yes, he is comitted to play next year, at an excellent DIII program (made it to the DIII World Series this year). He has about 2 wks left in the summer season, then 2 wks off before college. His summer coach has been very good with limiting the amount of pitching for all of the arms, consequently my son is pitching 75-80 pitches 1-2 times/week. Because so many other players have abandoned the team, we only have 9-10 show up per game or tournament. If my son leaves, he is afraid that will end the season for the whole team. (Unfortunately, the summer team was put together based on talent and not character, but that is another issue.)

I will try googling for split finger. If I find anything interesting, I will let you know. Hopefully we can get this cleared up in a few weeks.
Mom, I really do respect and appreciate your son's integrity and commitment to this team. Someone as definitely instilled in him very strong traits that will catapult him in school, baseball, and life.

With that being said and knowing that his departure from the team could essentially end the team why not try another approach with the coach. To me it sounds like he has gotten in his fair share of innings this summer so he should be in good pitching shape when he arrive. Do you think the coach would have a problem if you guys asked him if it would be possible to let son just close here and there? I really can't emphasize enough how important it is that he show up this fall in shape and without injury. (On a side note, even when his summer season ends he still needs to either long toss and/or throw a bullpen once a week right up until he gets there)

After talking it out with my son, we have come up with a compromise: 1 more start, but still be available to play 1b (his other position). I guess I can't complain too much about that! As far as the summer coach is concerned, I know if my son went to him and explained why he couldn't pitch, the coach would totally understand.

I did google finger injuries, and most of the info I found had to do with using some kind of cream or lotion, like udder cream or bag balm. We will be off to the drug store to see what we can find.
Originally posted by liner:
also try domesboro solution...available at almost any pharmacy, about $10 for 12 small packets, enough for a couple months.very good results with bilsters,cracks. Really dries out and toughens the skin. we use 1/4 of a small package in 2 Oz of hot water, soak until shrivelled- use 3-4 per day. If you don't see a marked improvement in 3-4 days I would be surprised.
Here is an update:

It has been 1 wk since he has last pitched, and his fingers are greatly improved. His thumb is totally healed, and the middle and index fingers are about halfway there. Per our agreement, his next start should be Monday or Tuesday, then he should be done for the year.

Once again, concerned Mom has worried for nothing, but don't let him know that!

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