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Just like to say thanks to HSBBWEB for preparing me. My son is only in 8th grade but we know many kids on the HS teams. My son is playing summer ball with some incoming sophs and I made the mistake of sitting in the middle of a group of their parents. The conversation was about varsity and how that the freshman that started were there because of politics. I saw the freshman team play and the varsity team play many times. The kids deserved to be on the team the coaches put them on. No doubt. I would like to thank all of you for giving me the knowledge that allowed me to keep my mouth shut.

I love the parents on my sons normal travel team. But anything to do with HS I am on the sidelines from now on until JR graduates from HS. The further away the better.
Hustle never has a bad day.
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Wait till you over hear a teammate parent talking (openly & so some could hear) about the coach having put your own son on Varsity as a freshman. She thought that it would be better for Coach to move my kiddo back down "to help Junior Varsity". Coach explained that Junior Varsity didn't go to post season playoffs, or win district, Regionals or State. Coach needed him for pitching on Varsity.

Then she went on to ask why Coach hadn't moved her freshman son up,too...since he was a pitcher.

Oh, My...Oh, my!
2 tough years, then they moved out of state.

Last edited by baseballmom
We have "The Jury" at our high school games. They second guess and criticise every move the varsity coach makes. Afterall, what does he know? He only played pro ball and was an assistant at one of the top high school programs in the state. These guys are experienced rec ball coaches. I smile, say hello and keep right on walking.
WHAT? We have our own "Jury"! Can it be a coincidence?!? They stand in exactly the same spot every game - thank goodness - so I just sliiiiiiiide my chair a little further down the line. When the wind blows the right way, I can't hear a word they say. Away games are a bit trickier, as you can't be sure where they will end up.

Here's my tip for parents new to the game - never sit down first, as then you will be forced to tip your hand by getting up and moving. Just hover, linger, pretend to be scouting for the best spot... when they finally find a perch, MOVE!
Originally posted by zombywoof:
It can get crazy if the team is going thru a losing season. It's not as bad for the JV or freshman teams because they're not playing for post-season berths and county and state championships.
Not necessarily. JV is where some experts find it hard to accept the dream is over for their kid.
Last edited by RJM
After my coaching tenure I went to a game the following spring to see how things were going. I sat and as the game started I experinced what I missed when I was coaching. Why is so and so playing? My kid should be playing. My kid should be batting higher in the order. etc etc etc. as the game progressed why dont they steal here? I would bunt? I would take the pitcher out and so on. Needles to say on subsequent occassions I sat where it was less crowded?
Back in high school the team Mom told a story to the assembled group at baseball 'parent" night about how she made every mistake a parent could make when her son first made the varsity - badmouthing the coach, second-guessing each decision, questioning the lineup, and especially focusing on every decision involving her son. Her husband roamed the right field line because he couldn't take it. She then stated that she looked up one day noticing no one was sitting next to her in the stands! That is when she decided to change.

I will point out that people watch pro and college games and second guess every coaching decision and player move too, so in a sense, we are talking about an American tradition. I will turn to a perfect stranger, and say "why did he do that?" with reference to something that happened on the field. However, if we see everything through the "Parent" glasses in high school it can be hard to take.
Originally posted by brod:

#1. team Mom
- badmouthing the coach,
- second-guessing each decision,
- questioning the lineup, and
- focusing on every decision involving her son.

Her husband roamed the right field line because he couldn't take it.

That is when she decided to change.

#2 watch pro and college games
an American tradition.

#1. Do spots on a HS Mom change?

#2. Is this a Great Game or What?
Last edited by Bear

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