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I recently ordered this product from Jon and received it on Friday of last week. Today I just started working out again for the first time since summer ball ended and I incorporated UA (I'm getting lazy) with my program. Needless to say, I was very impressed with the baseball specific work I was doing, which is something that was lacking in all my previous workouts. At first I was highly skeptical of what I was getting into, as were my parents. After reading through the book and watching the DVD, I can assure everyone that this is a high quality product and will work with consistency and time. Most of the lifts or movements in the program I knew of before hand, but I had only seen pictures of them, so I had no idea of the correct form, and this was after three years of searching the web for something like this. The form that the book and DVD shows is worth the price alone, as you will not find this ANYWHERE else, and believe me, I tried for a very long time to find a marked down version from someone else, but I'm very glad I settled for the real deal. I am very pleased with this product and I look forward to doing business with Jon in the future. I will continue to update this thread with information on my progress.
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Today I was sore, as I had not lifted weights since mid-July. In another two weeks I will not be sore from following a routine as I did because my CNS will have adapted and all will be well. After reading all these posts with workouts that have been posted lately, I decided that I would let everyone know that the workout I'm following that complements UA has no isolation movements in them, as they are useless and lead to a decrease in performance. I would post what the routine I'm following is, but I'm going to wait for Jon's approval on it. Today I also did tempo runs during gym to help settle the soreness and for some early offseason speed work. I'll update things again when I get the chance.
Day two:

Not much new, I lifted through the soreness which led to a decrease in the speed which I performed the lifts. After learning to perform snatches correctly I have no problem doing these and I can't see how anyone with proper form can get hurt. I decided I could post that because snatches are not the scret behind UA, they actually have nothing to do with it at all. I'll have a throwing session on Saturday, so I can post baseball specific results then. One thing I really like about this program is the emphasis on rotational strength in the core, while the shoulder girdle is still being strenghened.
Day Three:

I'll be working out tonight after I work, but I decided I would post now. My quads have been rediculously sore these past few days (not a product of UA). I'm leaning toward two possibilities. One is that I have had such a long training lay off, and the other is that on the off days we have had to run 3/4 and 1 mile in gym, and I know my body does not respond well to long distance running. In the next few weeks I'll be adding wind sprints starting with a small volume, peaking, and then settling back down before I go to a state showcase in PA. My first baseball specific session is tomorrow and I will definitely post any results when I get there, even though I don't really expect any because I've only been working out for one week. The biggest obstacle for me now is keeping a strong diet, as it always has been.

I realize I'm being very vague, but that's because I don't want to give away everything behind Jons product, but at the same time, I wanted to post a journal/review so people could get some idea of what is going on.
After throwing today I felt great, now that my mechanics have been corrected and my hips are moving more explosive through the zone, I am able to long toss further and pop the glove more often. My goal for before the snow falls here in New York is to long toss 90 yards. Right now I am at 75 yards and I have no doubts that this program will help me reach my goals. My shoulders also feel great, which is most important to me.

Brad, thanks for coming forward and sharing your personal experience as well. I encourage others to do so also.
Today I'm beginning the second week of lifting, but I'm keeping the same set/rep scheme for the non UA exercises because this is the first week were I can put 110% forth without behind sore on every inch of my body for the next week. Today I started to do a few of the overhead exercises with ez bars instead of dumbbells. This sounds really vague, but I don't want to give anything away, and those who have the program know what I'm talking about, so this is basically a coded message. Running 60 yd springs tomorrow.
Off day:

I did my sprints, and I'm glad I started now intstead of later. After not running for a while, I stayed at around a 7.0, but I really want to break my personal record of 6.78, with time I think I've got it. I was a little sore today in my midsection, not nearly the kind of soreness I had last week though.

Lefty, UA is the only ab work I do, I think it would be borderline overtraining for someone to have an ab specific routine, and it probably wouldn't be wise to give abs more training than other core muscles.

Since I haven't quite established this yet, I think I should have stated the goals I had going into my program.
- Weigh in @ 175 before the season begins at the same bodyfat I have now
- Run a 6.65 60 yd. dash before I showcase
- Long toss 90 yards or a football field before the season begins
- Maintain a healthy throwing arm all year

Considering my understanding of the physcial capabilities, I should be able to hit all these with consistency over the next 6 months.
Day Two, Week 1:

Today I warmed up by playing football, then I went through all the lifts and movements, followed by stretching after I was done. I was further impressed with the fact that I've gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks, thanks to a solid plan for the weight room, my nutrition, and consistently getting 8-9 hours of sleep. Reaching 175 may be easier than I once believed, and if I make it there in a shorter period of time then I'll aim for 180 or 185. I was not sore at all today.
I worked out in my basement today, as school wasn't open due to a Jewish holiday that I had no idea even existed. This turned out to be a disadvantage because I needed to do some overhead lifts, which is impossible with a 6.5' ceiling in my basement. I took red bull before I worked out and didn't notice much of a difference. My shoulder feels a little better, but I had to lighten up on hang cleans for now. I'm not to concerned with it, because the pain has turned into soreness, so I should be fine.
I purchased Unbreakable Abs about 6 months ago. I have used it along with my two sons. We have a blast working out together. They both have developed athletically and as ball players over this time and I think Unbreakable Abs has helped a great deal. It has also helped an old guy like me shed a few pounds and get rid of my back pain.

What really suprised me was the program did not involve doing crunches. I was initially concerned about that, but Jon explained why and after using the program it certainly makes sense. Then I remembered what the heck do I know about working out? That's why I bought the program in the first place!
I've decided I'm taking this week off from full workouts as I have too much work and the PSAT this week, so finding time to work out isn't in the plans. The good news is, I have made it to 163 pounds, so my goal of weighing in @ 175 seem to be in reach. I haven't thrown in a while thanks to the great weather that goes with living in western NY, but when I go through the motions I seem to be able to get more power from my hips and my release is becoming much quicker without any more major fixes in my throwing motion.

EDIT: Disregard that statement, I just did the UA program ONLY instead of my full routine and I realized I have more than enough time to do this.
Last edited by UpstateNY2008
Worked out fully today, I will definitely be sore tomorrow, since I tried some new movements to change things up.

In the near future I am planning on purchasing Training for Speed by Charlie Francis. Francis was once the Canadian sprint coach and helped train Ben Johnson (fastest non-wind aided 100m. time ever) as well as other world class sprinters. I know this is a T&F book, but based on talking to a few football and basketball players, they all said that the book can be easily adapted to any sport.

EDIT: It seems as if I have been inflating my weight recently, as I have decided to eat a five course meal, and then step on the scale. I'd like to point out this is cheating, and my real weight is still closer to 159-160.
Last edited by UpstateNY2008
Worked out again today, I weighed in at 161 legitimately, so all is well again. I've been watching my throwing mechanics a little more closely by using the mirrors in our squatting area to get a glimpse of what I am doing before I actually release. It's not like I'm in anyones way because like most HS weight rooms only 7 people will consistently workout and 1 of them will squat deeper than 1/8 of the way to parallel.
I'm finishing up the 6th week of my 6 week cycle. Since I've started here are my gains:

- Gained 13 lbs. of mass (only 1% bodyfat increase)
- 60 time has dropped by .1 second
- I'm moving heavier weights more explosively
- Hitting the ball with more power, better connection on inside pitches
- Throwing more with my body and less with my shoulder
- Quicker first step in the outfield and in the batters box
- Shoulder soreness doesn't last as long after throwing sessions as it has in the past (not really sure yet if this is attributed to the program)

It is important to note that my diet was better than it ever has been for me during these previous 6 weeks. I see a lot of players that I've grown up playing against that have always been more powerful than me and now I have surpassed or matched their strength, although I really don't care too much for comparing myself to other players.

I plan on updating my Million Dollar Hitter log more often after the school grants me a building release form so I can hit in the gym, but for now there won't be anything new. However, that doesn't mean I'm not making any progress.

Hopefully this will help someone.
The most important gains I have made during the beginner phase of the program have been that I have added 13 pounds, dropped my 60 time .15 seconds (6.8), and I'm hitting the ball harder with a wood bat than with an aluminum bat at the end of last season. I can't speak for throwing gains besides that now I'm less dependent on my shoulder when I throw. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Good call 2bagger, my diet was a moderately clean 4500 calories and I consumed atleast 160g. protein daily, no exceptions. It's very possible that someone can add mass that quickly in the first phase of the program, especially at a young age because of the shock you send to your CNS and the hormone production in a 13-21 year olds' body. The only supplements I took were a multivitamin, whey protein, creatine, and extra vitamin C for recovery. I'm glad you called me out on that, I don't want anyone to get the idea that the program will add the mass for you.

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