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What an excited day! I remember my son's first letter too. He was at football practice so I had to wait until 6:30 for him to open it. It arrived at home at 10:00AM. I didn't have a flashlight bright enough to see thru it, drove me crazy all day. The ironic thing is, he is now playing for the coach that was that school's pitching coach. Respond to the letter you never know....
Hey Coach Victory,

I know that it is exciting to get that mail! Congratulations! Yes you may be just one of many to be on a "list"...but your Son is on a list none the less. I hope that your mailbox begins to see letters and questionnaires on a daily basis. Treat yourself and your Son when they start showing up handwritten and on fine stationary!
I had to tell someone....

Sounds like you're getting WAY too excited. DI baseball is for the studliest of studs, so unless you have one of those, take a deep breath. UConn is a great school and Coach Penders and his staff are all awesome. They run some great clinics and camps. They also bombard you with literature and emails to make sure these camps are full every year.
Hey Coach Victory,
My 2008 son also got a letter and questionaire from UCONN. Since it was addressed by a pre printed address lable I figure he is on a list, which is fine with us. It was however personally signed by the coach which made it somewhat personal. It was actually my sons second letter/questionaire from a DI school. He has also recieved questionaires from a high level DII and a DIII. I can only assume that the UCONN letter is a result of him attending the College Select Showcase last Aug. Did your son attend also?
As for PopTime's reply. Well Lets just say some people lack class don't they? I understand that a letter does not mean they are recuiting my son BUT, at least he is on their list. And since most schools don't have their 2007 recruting class complete yet and are still working on them the fact that My 2008 got a letter I think is great. By the way PopTime these were not invites to clinics or camps or other money makers he has gotten plenty of them also. These were letters expressing interest in MY son , requiesting more info about him. I don't think that we are getting WAY too excited. My son works very hard and we feel that these are the fruits of his labor. Your comments about only the studliest of studs play DI are absolutly not true. Please don't down grade someone elses excitment.
Good luck to your son CV
Last edited by PA22DAD
Hey, good luck to both your sons! Seriously. I was just speaking as someone who's been playing this game for the last two years. My son's an 07 who's heading for a DIII program and we couldn't be happier. The academics in these DIII schools far exceed those in any of the DI's or DII's he was ever interested in. I didn't mean to burst anyone's bubble, and I certainly don't think I lack class. I didn't say anything that wasn't said to me, on these very message boards, early on in the process. I found the information to be very helpful, not hurtful. Again, good luck!
Coach Victory,

Congrats to your son. Sounds like you are keeping it in perspective which is a good thing. Irregardless of how they got his name, there is nothing wrong with being proud. I’m happy for you and your son.

As a side note; My very first post many moons ago was about what it meant because my son (soph in HS) was asked to fill out his first questionnaire for the White Sox. Someone who is long gone immediately berated me and said he had filled out “hundreds” of them and it didn’t mean a thing and big deal, etc… Being from the middle of nowhere and around parents who hadn’t been in the situation, I was definitely a newbie and didn’t have a clue. Fortunately the Grand Poobah and a couple others chimed in, explained some things and made me feel at home. I’ve never left!

Remember for the most part we are one big family and are happy when you are happy, and sad when you’re sad.

Again, congrats and good luck.
Last edited by FrankF
Coach Victory,
The first letter my son received from any school was a form letter, and the whole house was excited (even his two four-year-old twin sisters).

Later when the personally written daily cards and letters came along, it was exciting too. My son kept everyone of the communications in the top drawer of his dresser, organized by team. When he made his verbal commitment to his college choice, he placed all the other schools communications in a shoe box, and placed it at the bottom of his hamper. When he signed his NLI, we had a bonfire to burn the other college communications (The sisters roasted marshmallows).

During my son's freshman season, I talked to a couple of dads from our team and they said these personally written letters said the same thing exactly. One coach wrote to three of these recruits the exact statement, "Player, I am on a plane back from Southern Cal and I was just picturing you pitching our team to the College World Series next year." All three pitching recruits’ dads said they received that exact same card hand written by the coach too.

No matter if it is a form letter, a personally written letter that has the exact same statement to other recruits, or a post card with just the words, “Great Season” it is all exciting.

After your son finds the match between the teams wanting your son to play for them and your son wanting to play and attend that college, you will look back at the first letter and smile.

From a one Husky Recruit’s dad (UW) to a potential Husky Recruit’s dad (Conn), Good Luck
Thanks everyone. I knew folks here would understand the feeling when your son gets his first letter. There's a looooong way to go but it's a start.

PA22DAD, we did go to a college select showcase but it was in October at Bridgewater State College. UConn must collect names from all the College Select showcases. It sounds like we got the same letter, signed by Coach Penders.

You just go ahead and be excited! I was also one of those who "just had to tell someone" because I just didn't know anyone who would get it...people on this site definitely got it!! And they're still excited for me! Keep posting and tell us all the details as they unfold..don't be put off by anyone's comments. Congrats and go ahead and celebrate.

I absolutely agree with the majority here. What else do we have in life, but pride for our kids? If UConn has contacted you, I will predict that MANY more will follow. I have to say that some of the best memories I have are coming home and finding that the cadKids actually went to get the mail, just to see if there was something new in the box. I remember the looks on their faces... pride in their own achievements. You don't get letters from D1 Programs on your good looks... After older son went thru it, we fully realized that you need to be very realistic about the "strength" of this correspondence, but even he recognized not to "take away that exciting feeling" from his younger brother.

And yes, even today, every letter for both kids are still up on the bulletin boards in their rooms.

CV... make sure you and son keep up with each chapter on this ride. FILL OUT EVERY QUESTIONNAIRE. Go to every Junior Day you get invited to. You never know when an Assnt Coach will get moved (it happens EVERY year with regularity)and he remembers your son (they certainly take their files with them). AND ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS OF US. Utilize our experience. Especially when you get to the showcase stage, Official Visit stage, offer stage....

When our boys come home (and in our case it is not very often), my wife is often seen sitting in their rooms in the middle of the night, in the dark, just watching them sleep.




Did you hear about the blonde that took a new scarf back to the store because it was too tight?

My son received his very first letter the summer before his Junior year. It was a very specific letter, based on being seen at a major event in Mississippi, and the D1 it came from ended up making a nice offer one year later.

Although my son chose a different program, this particular letter had meaning. Questionairres are door openers. Follow through, and do provide any video if requested.

Also, I have boxes of letters from programs that never called on July 1. Such is the recruiting process.

Congratulations, good luck, and enjoy the ride!!
Originally posted by CoachVictory:
My 2008 son just got his first questionaire letter from a college (UConn) baseball coach. I know it doesn't mean anything cause they must send out hundreds of those things but it was still cool to get.

I had to tell someone....


I think CV was just trying to share some excitment in a first letter, because the first is always the most exciting. It means someone has noticed your son, whether from watching him play or just a scouting report, but nontheless, it is the FIRST, and that gives way for congratulations from me. May this be the first of many.
I am sure CV has read enough here to know that it is a long process, the end being the offer that our sons do accept.
I do not beleive that every player given an offer from a D1 is the studliest of studs. I have seen many who were not studs, but ultimately can turn into one. And many studs not do well. That's where good recruiting comes in, a coach recruits some who can make an impact right away and others who need some time to develop. And ALL schools bombard recruits with camp info, that's how they make some extra $$$ for their program.

FYI, the first letter that actually came to our home (many sent to HS coach), is where son plays today. So that very first letter can turn into a good thing.
Last edited by TPM
it was cool to get the letter none the less.


( We are enjoying every squealing minute when the mailbox has a new baseball " present " in the shape of an envelope in there for our son! )
With the first one, we kinda stood there looking at the envelope and coach's handwritten card and sorta froze. Wondered if it was " real "????

We are keeping our witts about us,..but we figure its one more letter than what we had last year, we'll take that as a baby step in the right direction.

Our fingers and toes are still crossed everyday and we remain breathing slowly reminding ourselves that " if he has talent, they will find him. "
( Even if we live in an isolated frog pond in the middle of no where! ) ha!
At least some people out there know how to spell his name! Thats a start! Yippeee!!!

Being from the middle of nowhere and around parents who hadn’t been in the situation, I was definitely a newbie and didn’t have a clue. Fortunately the Grand Poobah and a couple others chimed in, explained some things and made me feel at home. I’ve never left!

Remember for the most part we are one big family and are happy when you are happy, and sad when you’re sad.

I couldn't agree with the above quote more!!

Congrats Coach Victory and son, and others!!!!
This is a very exciting roller coaster time!! I'm glad you shared your enthusiasm with us.
Last edited by shortstopmom

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