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Yes, Cleveland Dad, it feels like vindication for a kid who was marginalized a few years ago and had to go D1 to D1 just to stay in the game. My advise to anyone: It ain't over til it's over. Thanks again, all.

Amen Bum.Awesome stuff.Gives me goose bumps!!!

Keep it going Boys.

One day at a time, and enjoy every moment as it is the moments that make the memories.
He followed up his first pro appearance with his first pro start last night. He went against 3rd round draft choice Nick Maronde.

4 IP, 1H, 8 K's, 0 Runs, 0 BB's.

Now 1.29 ERA, 13 K's, 0 BB's in 7 IP overall.

OK, no more of these posts. I just wanted to share the beginning (a very good one). From now on, it is what it is.
Last edited by Bum
Here, Here ! This is one of the most exciting things about this site.

We come here trying to figure out HS Baseball and get a college offer. Over the years we become cyber friends and some move on from college to live the dream!

That was what really amazed me about this place, the dad's, mom's and players that we came to know moving on to pursue their baseball dreams!

Yes! I am with PG, and Coach May, keep the reports coming!

Last edited by floridafan

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