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my coach has told me that he is going to try to turn me into a catcher. I have never cought more than batting practice. what are the first things i need to do if i want to become a good catcher and are there any drills that i should work on?

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First things first. If you are ready to catch, forget about getting pats on the back after making a good play. Catchers just don't get that, most of the time when anyone notices you at all is when you miss a block or make a bad throw. I'm not trying to get you down or anything, I love the position and I wouldn't rather play anywhere else, but you need to be in a humble state of mind to play there.
As far as drills go; you have to learn to block the ball. So I would start with what is called "Shadow Blocking". What it is, is you line up about 3 or 4 balls in different areas around the plate and act like you are going to block them. This is done in full gear. (well, everything you do should be done in full gear) Block the balls using good form.
Then go to short throws. Have someone throw you balls in the dirt for about half way between the mound and home plate. Block them using good form. The person throwing them should be throwing them fairly easy because you are just learning. Them move back to the mound and block(still throwing easy). Next, block from the mound again only this time have them throw a little harder. Finally Have them mix it up, throw some in the dirt and some in the air so you aren't dropping down to you knees too soon.

After that, just learn the ins and outs of the position. What to do and when; how to handle a staff. Stuff like that. You probably won't pick it up real fast but it takes time and patience. Don't expect everything to just click as soon as you start. If you have any questions you can PM me if you want. Good luck.


P. S, I'm not saying blocking is the most important skill in catching, I just think it is the hardest to learn and to get the mentality that "Ok, I am going to let this 75 MPH fastball hit me in the chest" I know I posted a lot and I apologize for taking up so much space.
If you are going to be a catcher, and especially in high school, get a good chest protector. That is probably the most important part. Most school ones are very flimsy and thin, and will hurt. Get one with decent think padding, but not too thick other wise it will rebound very far, and you are set. I am use to blocking now, not too good at it at all, but it's fun to me. I actually enjoy doing blocking drills at practice, because I can feel myself getting better, and its not as monotonous as catching BP. Also, since you've been playing lots of short, if your legs aren't too strong, I would suggest doing some types of exercises. I would say that my legs are pretty strong, because I weight 225, and I carried a 70 pound hiking backpack in the mountains for 2 weeks over the summer without a problem. Not tired at all. I do need to get faster, but it probably doesn't help to be as stocky as I am.

One more thing, this is something I need to work on also, be aggressive, don't be afraid to dive after a ball to keep it from getting past you. I take lots of blocks off the arms and things like that, because I am not quick enough to get infront all the time. Be willing to sacrifice your body, but you probably know that from playing short.
aside from whats already said

Do pop squats.
Start in catching position,pop up as if about to throw to 2nd,then get back into catching squat.Do 18-20 in a row then rest for 40 seconds.Do 20 more.Sounds stupid but its very helpful.

Make sure you get infront of every ball in the dirt.Meaning stay on the balls of your feet and you might want to have a wider stance so you can drop easier if you have to.

Good luck

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