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Is it an official visit or just a social call...just based on our experience with our 2012, I doubt he'll be in the dugout or even on the field during game time. But your program could be different...most likely coaches will talk with you a bit "over the fence" prior to the'll get to sit in the "parents" section, and then perhaps, maybe more attention/field etc. after the game...just a guess, if it's an official visit then they could roll out the red say he's a 2013, so I'm assuming you mean he's a high school junior and has not actually signed yet.

I would NOT suggest visiting the dugout or talking to the players or coaches during the games. I would let them come to your son, or let them know ahead of time that your son plans to visit, so he can carve out some time with the coaches.

Due to travel distance, we went to son's future college's last conference series during his hs senior year.. Son talked with coaches between games, and after the games. I spoke to senior parents about their son's experiences, journey and future careers. Typically the parents would offer information about the program, coaches, and lessons learned. I just listened to every word because these were people that knew what they were talking about.

Best of luck!
Trying to decide if we should reschedule visit, (don't want to bother them) or just go watch on our own.

I would reschedule it...and go watch on his own (if close enough). In other words, both! Wink

If he does the 'on his own' thing, he should tell the coaches he is coming to those games...they will most likely leave his name on the pass list.

An 'official visit' will be different in that they will spend the time they need to show him why he made a good choice. He will get a personal campus tour. It will likely involve dinner and other meals...he will likely be 'assigned' to a current player who will take him to class and be a companion for the weekend (while not in practice or game). In other words, he will get a front-and-center view of the program and school...even perhaps painted in the prettiest of colors.
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by calisportsfan:
That is good stuff...thanks everyone. How does treatment on an official visit differ? My son had to cancel his official visit as his high school coach objected but he is now committed anywaySmile

Trying to decide if we should reschedule visit, (don't want to bother them) or just go watch on our own.

Congrats - where did your son end up?

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