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Curious what you mean about marijuana being lawful or "allowed" in CA.
California does not "allow" weed. Like other States, there is a very limited recognition for medicinal use.
The issue to legalize marijuana is on the ballot next Tuesday. From nearly every poll, it looks like it will be defeated.
The Federal Government has indicated that even if the Proposition were to pass, it will not recognize the law and will enforce drug laws in CA that involve marijuana.
Don't believe everything you read. This is a non-issue.
Last edited by infielddad
I do not believe that the Federal Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 has ever actually been rescinded. (Although the Boggs bill was described as superceding it.)

The law was the result of bickering between agencies and the inability to agree on a law criminalizing an act that, at the time, was described as limited to a specific race in certain locales.

While the debate rages on over legalization, let's start collecting the tax.
Last edited by Jimmy03
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Are you sure there's not a "doctor" at a concession stand writting prescriptions and that can be filled at the next door concession stand?

I am sure there would be a big need with many fans and players having symptoms that could "warrant" a prescription like: apprehension, not able to sleep (before the game), lost of appetite.
As a 10 year old, I attended the 1973 World Series - Oakland vs the Mets... That was my first exposure to second hand smoke!!!

If there were "illicit" substances at AT&T Park last night - and I would not be surprised at all if there were - it would be far from the first to be inhaled at a world series game....

Let's not forget Tug McGraw's quote from the mid 70's:

Sportswriter: Tug - what do you think of Artificial Grass?

Tug: I don't know, I never smoked it.
Last edited by 08Dad
I think people would be truly surprised (but shouldn't be) at all of the skeletons that could be pulled out of players closets; everything from smoking their own stuff, to how they spend their time on the internet, to their sexual preferences, and more. Lincecum's puff would likely pale in comparison to many things that go in in people's lives, and ballplayers are people.
Originally posted by RJM:
Here's logic for you. A friend's son was ticketed for public consumption of alcohol at the Salem MA Halloween Street Festival. It's a misdemeanor with a $75 fine. Had he been smoking pot it would be a misdemeanor with a $35 fine.

Stranger things have happened in Salem...some of the ghosts are still talking about it!
Bet I'm the only guy in South korea right now with a genuine "Big Time Timmy Jim" t-shirt, and I'm wearing it right now (at work, no less)! Though not particularly a Rangers fan, I have a great appreciation for Cliff Lee as a man and as a pitcher. After all, he played for my Mariners. But having been a Giants fan as a kid, then skipping over them during the Bonds years because of the singular spotlight on one player, it is nice to be back to cheering them on - a TEAM, not a spotlight individual.

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