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Exploring the possibility of attending a Junior Day and wondering what others' experiences have been.  My 2017 will have to fly quite a long way to attend the jr. day, and have a very quick turnaround to get back to his school.  He has not visited these campuses before. In fact, he's never been to New England.

We're trying to determine whether it will be worth it.  We will be able to make unofficial visits to several other campuses as part of the trip so that helps mitigate the costs but it's still an expensive proposition.   Those of you who have flown to these events:  would you do it again, or is the information gained just as easily discovered on a more leisurely summer trip?  Or is the coach contact on a junior day particularly important.  FYI, baseball workouts are not part of this visit.

"Don't be mean now because remember: Wherever you go, there you are..." Buckaroo Banzai

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We attended two junior days within easy driving distance of our home. I was unimpressed by both the athletic and academic facets of the events. Both were wrapped around a baseball game followed by tours of the schools. Neither allowed much more then brief face time with coaches both were woefully unprepared to answer academic questions in any depth. Both were cattle call types with dozens of players, parents, siblings tagging along - very similar to the campus tours available to the public.

i would not fly cross country and incur any significant costs to attend a junior day - there are much better ways of connecting to a coach and school to express interest (which, I assume is the purpose of attending).

Specifically, I would have S email the coach to tell him that (a) he's very interested in the program and school, but (b) he has testing, class, or whatever reason (including costs) for being unable to attend. I would ask the coach for coaches summer schedule for exposure and also use the email to update the coach on any academic achievements (testing, grades, etc.). I would use the email as an opportunity to open an individual dialogue with the coach and have at least several questions which require an actual individually tailored response.

If possible, I would take a trip encompassing all the schools in the geographic area - maybe over HS spring break (if possible), taking regular campus tours to devine school fit and dropping in to the coaches office for a little one on one (check to make sure the college isn't on break and that a coach will be present in campus).

The goal here is to express interest and put yourself on the coaches summer follow list.

Friend's 2015 was invited to a Junior Day at a prestigious east coast university. Not a long drive. Upon arrival, found 25+ other juniors there. A lot more than expected.

Moral of the Story: it's not exclusive, very little individual attention, and could be considered a cattle call. So to Goosegg's point, establish a 1:1 relationship that includes an individual campus visit and meetings with coaches.

Regardless, it'd be worthwhile to find out how many juniors were invited.


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