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So as weird as it is that they had to play one way I have to ask...who was in charge of setting up this field and how did no one notice the brick wall was too close until the DAY BEFORE the game?

I believe Northwestern gets to take the blame for that one. It was their home game. That's an embarassment to the Big Ten and the NCAA. This sort of thing wouldn't happen at the high school level; it shouldn't be happening in the Big Ten.

Lots of strange stuff happens in Chicago papi. Things often are not as they appear! Those poor folks at Northwestern up in Evanston did not have a chance. It probably went something like this between a Northwestern University staff member and a City of Chicago inspector...
    NW:"Gee Inspector, I'm quite certain that the endzone is too close to the brick wall...ivy or not."

    CC:"Au contrare brainy one. Dis layout fits da' bill exactly. I checked and all da' money is in da' proper pocket...ahem, da' proper place."

    NW:"Still, it doesn't seem right. Something is wrong."

    CC:"Don'tcha worry, don'tcha fret. We got it covered."

    NW:"It really does appear that this endzone is too close. I'm concerned about safety. I'm concerned about what this will look like if we're wrong. Imagine the brouhaha that will ensue."

    CC:"Relax dere perfesser. Don't get yer tweed jacket in a bunch. Ya' tell yer Mr. Brew-who-who not ta' waste his time. Tryin' ta' sue us would be few-tile. Read da' papers once in a while would ya'? Ya' don't want me ta' hafta' call in da' Queena Hearts ta' 'splain it all to ya', do ya'?"

    NW:"No, no. The Queen of, sir. And yes, yes. This jacket is a bit tight, thank you sir."

    CC:"Dats right. Now be a good boy and help dose guys with dose kegs. Dis place is gonna' be packed!"


Last edited by gotwood4sale

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