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Team "A" plays Team "B".

Team "A" wins 12-2.

A few days later, Team "A" is forced to forfeit the game due to an inelgible player. I know at that point the offical score becomes a 7-0 win for Team "B".

My question is about the stats accumulated during the game. Since the game now officially is a 7-0 Team "B" win, are all the stats removed from the official book? Obviously there cannot be a WP or LP so I would assume all the batting and fielding stats are null and void now too.

Am I correct or am I missing something?
Elkins Mafia since '93
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From Official Baseball Rules (OBR);

10.03(e)(2): If a regulation game is forfeited, include the record of all individual and team actions up to the time of forfeit. If the winning team by forfeit is ahead at the time of the forfeit, enter as winning and losing pitchers the players who would have qualified if the game had been called at the time of forfeit. If the winning team by forfeit is behind or if the score is tied at the time of forfeit, do not enter a winning or losing pitcher. If a game is forfeited before it becomes a regulation game, include no records. Report only the fact of the forfeit.

So, you're right Kevin. No winning or losing pitcher. But since the game was of regulation length everything else counts.
Last edited by pilsner

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