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They're predicting a record year for ACT test takers.  Many expected to shy away from SAT until there is some feel for the changes.  My 2017 took both SAT and ACT last year.  He already committed and his only goal was to get what they needed for admission.  Did with the SAT.  Haven't gotten ACT score back yet.  FWIW, the ACT was more difficult than the SAT (for him).

Our school counselor said the new PSAT (taken this past fall) mirrors the new SAT and is a good indicator of how son will do on new SAT.  Son is taking both the old and the new SATs and the ACT. Counselor believes both should be taken twice, in addition to ACT, for best chances at improving scores. 

Ripken Fan posted:

A usual way of predicting SAT was to add a zero to the PSAT score. Pretty "spot on" for son. With the new version of SAT though, don't know if that will still hold.

You don't have to add a zero any more.  The new PSAT score is the same as you would have received on the SAT on that day with those questions.

Son was disappointed that he didn't do well on the algebraic stuff.  He's been in an advanced math program since elementary school and hasn't worked with basic algebra since 7th grade. Did good on the advanced math portions though.  He and his classmates in AP statistics broke down the scoring yesterday and he estimates his score would have been about 100 points higher if he had aced the algebra part.  I don't even know where to begin to do that type of analysis myself, so I just nodded my head.

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