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I cant beleive Im about to say this....

Soxnole, (ugghh) I agree with you.

I am and always have been a big Frank Thomas Fan. He is a first ballot HOF player, hands down. The sox couldnt gamble with his health, the chance of not having a DH, and had to let him go.
I also believe that if they signed him and not Thome, Konerko would have been in an Angels uniform for a long time.
Hmmm. . . I am going to stick with the fact that he is not a first ballot guy. Lets not forget that the writers vote, and Fank has made plenty of media enemies along the way. This fact coupled with the Hall of Fame stinginess leads me to believe that he will have to wait a year or two.

The numbers are tremndous, but some other factors will delay his enshrinement, in my opinion.

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