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I think this a problem as my own eyes have made me wonder if there are men out there posing as boys.

The Indians apparently do as now they are ordering DNA tests for all players (from certain countries) signed for over 50k. They apparently live by the motto "Fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me"
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You mean that there is no hope for me and my new/old Dominican birth certificate??

I was about to get ranked...class of 2015...really big for my age....

Beyond seems that all the really good scams to get into pro ball are being used up...Mom calling, Identitiy fraud. What is one supposed to do, work hard? Be talented? Com'on now..that kinda stuff is so 50's...

There is a lot of nonsense going on down there, while our kids lose out on opportunities.
The cards took a 16 year old, 3M something, I just read they are finding out he may be partially blind?

This is ridiculous, they all need to figure out a better way to find out who they are, medical issues and their correct age.

Just irks me when you see some of these players getting opportunities early, only to discover they are years older than they actually are.
Last edited by TPM
The problem must be worse than they are letting on in the posted article. I assume these DNA tests are not cheap and it also deprives them of development time while they are waiting for results. They must have pretty strong suspicions if they are now going to test all players from certain countries. Also, from the movie The Benchwarmers, I doubt the writers totally made that sketch up without some past experience indicating there might be some shenanigans going on. Moreover, the Dominican is known for the designer steroids that are readily available on the island. A true baseball factory - designer drugs, designer birth certificates, and designer players who are ready to "compete." Roll Eyes

I agree with TPM's comments.

I never followed the minor leagues all that closely until this year when it became my personal business to do so. I have to tell you, I have personally observed some players who I shake my head when I finally see their actual "ages" listed on

Many others have privately shared their concerns with me as well. Before anyone yells at me for my feelings, I realize not "all" players from these countries have inflated personal "statistics"
I understand the plight of the dominican player trying to get out from the lives they will live if not for baseball, many of the players who test positive for steroids on most teams are from there. Many of the players caught being older than they are, come from there as well.

Here in Florida we have seen this for years, especially when son was younger, our kids looked like babies compared to many teams we played against when he was in travel, especially those teams from further south, so it's not shocking for us to find out that some players were older than they actally were, or they weren't who they said they were (illegal with another identity). This is life in south florida.

I am amazed at how many teams load up on latin players, my son has a friend that needs to speak spanish in the locker room, and FWIW, most of these younger players very rarely become the next Pujols. Immigration has laws regarding bringing very young players into the country, but nowadays you will find the complex leagues (AZL/GCL) full of dominicans (brought up at legal ages). I understand our culture is first and foremost in education (college first), leaving many opportunities for those to come from other places.

So in a way, we ourselves have created what we don't like.
Last edited by TPM
I'm curious as to how a DNA test can determine age. Any DNA specialists out there who can answer this?

As I've said before, allowing MLB to bring in 16 year olds while our boys have to get fully educated should be outlawed. But MLB having been exempted from such regulation is just looking for cheap talent.

If it were up to me, all DR players would be banned from US until their bribe ridden government is corrected.

Maybe I should re-market my son as a 16 year old.
Originally posted by Pop Up Hitter dad:
I'm curious as to how a DNA test can determine age. Any DNA specialists out there who can answer this?

As I've said before, allowing MLB to bring in 16 year olds while our boys have to get fully educated should be outlawed. But MLB having been exempted from such regulation is just looking for cheap talent.

If it were up to me, all DR players would be banned from US until their bribe ridden government is corrected.

Maybe I should re-market my son as a 16 year old.

I don't think they can enter this country until they are older, they remain there and play and develop in the leagues.

As Coach May says, they are cheap and provide a team for others to develop in, your son wouldn't sign for what most get. I have no problem with my son having to finish HS before he begins his procareer, baseball only takes you so far for most.

I think that CD is right, DNA proves who you are, if you lie about that, you probably have lied about everything else (including age).

I don't resent the age, I just don't like the cheating. I also realize that most of our kids won't start out in pro ball (very low levels) where many will. I am not talking about those that are drafted early, but those HS players drafted very late. A 45th pick out of HS will not begin his journey where most of our kids will.

Some have problems with young dominicans encroaching on what we feel is our american pastime, but I don't hear anyone complaining about the young migrants who pick our food in the field.
Just a thought.
Last edited by TPM
Some have problems with young dominicans encroaching on what we feel is our american pastime, but I don't hear anyone complaining about the young migrants who pick our food in the field.
Just a thought.

There are always double standards in all parts of lives.They exist, and those who benefit usually do not complain.When it hits you personally your feathers are ruffled.
There are a select few that stand up for the the absolute truth.But the herd mentality wants whats best for them,not caring about rules, or who they are stepping over.
This mentality prevails amongst many , and doesnt hold itself to one ethnicity.
Last edited by fanofgame
Every situation is different - but I know that my son has played - and still plays - with a bunch of guys that are at least 3 years older than their stated ages. Maybe even more.

And it does make a difference.

When you are 20 - playing High A or AA ball - versus 24 - playing the same level - you are evaluated very differently.

Right or wrong - just the way it is now. Hopefully it will change.
mlb has invested millions in latin speaking country's. schools,coaches, scouts,etc. if this is an issue,they started it.

it isn't just latin country's, the twins have many australians, europeans, etc. i'm not familiar with the other team's, but i'm sure they scout there as well. this is truly a global economy.

it isn't alway's that they are cheaper either. they get some pretty good money to sign.

i don't think it's wrong, after watching indy ball this summer. it's not unusual to play against older guys, some that were in the majors. it can either thin the herd or make you stronger.
I do beleive they cannot come here until 17, so that in itself can cause an issue of giving false information. They also return home after season, do not return again until spring training (or later), and remain in extended.

I agree that all teams are different and do things differently, but in the end, it all seems to add up, the cream rises to the top in every organization, no matter where you come from or how old you are.
What some people fail to understand is the vast differences in a American HS player and one of these players we are talking about. What type of leverage does a latin kid have? If a US kid chooses not to sign he ends up in college seeking a college degree , enjoying the college experience , playing college baseball. Now what type of leverage or other options does a latin player have?

MLB will continue to "sign" these kids with the hopes that one of them pans out. The rest will be sent back to their home country. How many US kids would be in the ML's if it were not for college baseball being an option for them? How much leverage would they have during negotiations once drafted?

It is a known fact that many of these latin players ages have been false , birth certificates forged etc and it has been going on forever. What irks mlbb is the fact that they have shelled out bucks for a 18 year old phenom only to find out at a later date he was actually 24. Other than that whats the big deal? lol
As an interesting side note...

When touring the DR a few years ago, I talked with a couple of teachers. They claim that the biggest hindrance to education of DR males is baseball. They don't view education as a viable alternative out of poverty and hence, spend all their time playing ball and not going to school.

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