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One of our freshman (hs) baseball players has contracted this very rare and serious disease.
He is now in rehab stage and is learning to walk again... some paralysis to one side of his face too.. we are having couple of benefit events for his family and i just wanted to share here.
if you are so inclined to pray for him, his name is Wyatt R.
wonderful kid from a super family... he told me many times as an 8th grader how excited he was to be a Trojan...
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Our prayers to Wyatt and his family for a faster recovery. That's a tough one and most likely will have to miss this spring.

I will research on the recovery depending on the age of onset and will get back.

P.S. On a large prospective study, younger age at onset is associated with a faster recovery so I am hoping he will recover completely to get ready by the spring of 2014.
Last edited by Ryanrod23
Trojan Skipper - This is indeed a very, very tough diagnosis. I have personally dealt with a very closely related chronic variant of GBS called multifocal CIDP for a decade now. Ryanrod is correct, younger GBS patients can recover motor/sensory nerve function quicker, but in either regard it is a long, long haul.

An excellent resource for this young man, his family and possibly even his physicians is the Guillain Barre Syndrome/CIDP Foundation.

Lots of resources and support available at this foundation, and a pretty active message board for support. The foundation has superlative, worldwide medical credibility due to the strength of the foundation's medical board, who are world renown neurologists with expertise in GBS/CIDP treatment.
I too suffer from recently diagnosed CIDP (Chronic inflammatory demylinating polyneuropathy)a cousin of GBS. The good news is that they were wrong with the preliminary diagnosis of ALS. The bad news is I am non responsive to treatment so far so the disease it has for several years until recently properly diagnosed.

Each of us is faced with challenges in life, it's what forges us into the people we are. The bigger the fire, the more tempered the steel. This one is ours, other people have theirs.

Life is sure beats the alternative. Wink

Best of luck to Wyatt.

Last edited by CPLZ

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