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NO knock on ASU...I don't know their situation, or team feel....but when I look at Fresno State and I see team.

I have come to believe that talent goes a long way...but that in college ball "team" is the x factor.

And I gave come to believe that while talent can be identified and recruited..."team" is a geat deal more elusive....despite all efforts sometimes it simply doesn't happen.

And I have come to believe that there are many times when the persuit of "team" means sacrificing a great deal including acheive that elsuive X Factor. Fresno used 8 guys in the #8 hole...tell me that those guys will not be "bought in" .

I see Fresno as a team with their heads completely in the opportunity before Irvine last year...bought into this very moment.


Last edited by observer44
Two FSU teams in Omaha this year!

Two Bulldogs teams in Omaha this year.

How weird is that?!?

Great game, congratulations to the FSU (Fresno State) Bulldogs. Smile

Every team playing this weekend got where they did because they embraced the "team" concept, most likely had great chemistry. I saw "team" in everyone of them. While I am not an ASU fan or follower, you can't take their season accomplishments away from them, just as you can't take it away from anyone who did not advance. Sometimes it just comes down to who got hot at the right time and it was Fresno's time tonight.

I understand what you are saying though, sometimes you just don't feel bad for losers by the way they "show up" onto the field the first day.

Solution is to beat 'em in their own house. Big Grin

I think Bulldogs were seeded pretty fairly being the fourth in their region with an RPI of 67. Am I mising something? Smile
Just an observation that future college (or pro, I guess) prospects might want to pick up on when setting goals to get to the next level -- besides Fresno changing up the #8 spot in the lineup, the "team" was used in so many different ways by both teams. Guys were constantly changing positions, seems like everyone can pitch, plus hit, plus play any position that is needed. By the time these guys make it to college ball, they have probably done it all - and been very good at it.

Keep this in mind as you as a prospect develop yourself - try to become a complete player, with all the tools you can muster. In general, learn everything you can every step of the way - always volunteer to learn new things - don't pigeon hole yourself as a one trick pony.
Last edited by iheartbb
Originally posted by TPM:
I think Bulldogs were seeded pretty fairly being the fourth in their region with an RPI of 67. Am I mising something? Smile

In my opinion, yes. Having watched RPIs for a number of years, I don't think they're very accurate in predicting who will do well in this thing. I think Boyd's ISRs are much better...but even he was off on that one.

Of course I have my own biases too. Big Grin

But again, we all knew Fresno was much better than a 4-seed. I wouldn't have predicted they'd get this far, but I'm also not terribly surprised either. Baseball America apparently knew too as they predicted UC Davis and them as the two toughest 4-seeds out there and it pretty much panned out that way.

Anyways, congratulations to everyone. College baseball has a great that I really love. I look forward to seeing some of the East teams in Omaha and this year in particular I think they're very, VERY talented. I just hope we can hold our own. Wink
Thanks Spizzlepop & ClevelandDad. It was an exciting night and I'm proud of all the boys on our team. Every one of them stepped up and did their job to contribute to that win. A total team effort.

And yeah, I was proud of Sean. Big game, tough situation with two on no outs and facing the heart of the order and that ASU crowd as the backdrop. It's been a tough season dealing with the frustration of sitting out the first half with bicep tendonitus then trying to work back into some consistency with mechanics, rebuild arm stamina, getting used to facing live batters again, etc. I felt he finally had pulled it all together when he started vs Long Beach back in early May.

Before Monday's game we talked a lot before the game about mental approach, how that would be key if he got in the game. I was confident he could throw his pitches. But his approach to each batter in that intense environment would be a game turner.

I was listening to the local Arizona AM radio broadcast while at Monday's game. When he entered the announcers made some statements that Fresno must be in trouble having to dig into the bottom of their bullpen to pull in a kid with so few IP and so-so stats (hard to get control dialed in right away coming off an injury). They just assumed he had a low IP because of performance. They said it was a chance for ASU to blow open the doors. By the end of his 2nd inning on the mound with no runs allowed and some key strikeouts with runners in scoring position, they were making comments about the depth of Fresno's bullpen. Smile
Last edited by pbonesteele
By the end of his 2nd inning on the mound with no runs allowed and some key strikeouts with runners in scoring position, they were making comments about the depth of Fresno's bullpen.

pbonesteele - it took guts to pitch in that game and your son pitched like a man. Outstanding achievement by the young man and his team - looking forward to seeing them play in Omaha!!

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