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Thanks Lion! It's been an emotional rollercoaster this last season. Fall ball ended abruptly for my son with labrum surgery and the unknown if he would make it back onto the field for high school or get recruited for college. Things went well, played as a DH pre-district and finally made it back to the OF the home opener of district play. The combination of new bats and lost timing (5 months without swinging a bat)did a number on his performance at the plate, but all in all not a bad year. The team out-performed my expectations and made it a year to remember. Turns out he still had some interest from a few schools that understood his injury. He made a good connection with his college coach (who also suffered a labrum injury) and is extremely excited to play for the Patriots next year. Unlike some, I think he has/is playing for the love of the game. He's never been one to think he'll make money playing (which is why he's planning to go to med school). In hindsight, the injury did focus his attention on post baseball stuff and he's decided he would like to hang on the fringe of sports and become an orthopedic surgeon.

I suppose now I'm going to have to find a new outlet. No more booster club duties, field painting, stats keeping, etc.. Lucky for me my last one (daughter, 10) will keep me busy with softball and uh.....s****r. A few of us senior parents are already planning road trips to see the boys next year at their various schools. It will be different not seeing all the familiar faces at the ballpark. Who knew I might never see any of those summer parents again at triple digit temperature games?

As far as sticking around here, I will probably become a lurker. But that's always fun to read the banter for 8-5A and 10-4A.

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