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Two games in a row son's high school game had same Umpire behind the plate. Both incidents resulted favorably for son's team so not complaining. Other team's coaches did though. Two man crew at work.

#1 Runner at first, line drive to short, throw to first to double up R1. Field Umpire calls out. Immediately after the call plate Umpire made the "foot off bag sign" and called him safe. Short conference later runner remains on base.

#2 Throw from second baseman to get runner out at third. No force. Bang bang play. Field Umpire, positioned between mound and second calls runner safe. Plate Umpire immediately makes the out sign, runs out to Field Umpire, seconds later runner declared out.

Looked like plate Umpire over ruling field Umpire before any kind of communication between the two.

Comments? Your response if you are the field Umpire?
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#1 sounds like the umps need a better pre game meeting as they should discuss this situation and how to react to it, to avoid looking like they most certainly did.

#2 If this was the first play in the infield then it is the BU's call, second play it is the PU call. Unless they of course had discussed this prior to the game and came up with their own mechanics.
No offense luv baseball but what happened is pretty much a sure fire way to get BOTH coaches out of the dugout. Coaches don't want one ump to just overrule another ump freely. There is a correct way to do this and if the umps follow it coaches will pretty much accept what was ruled - probably not happy nor agree but accept.
Originally posted by coach2709:
No offense luv baseball but what happened is pretty much a sure fire way to get BOTH coaches out of the dugout. Coaches don't want one ump to just overrule another ump freely. There is a correct way to do this and if the umps follow it coaches will pretty much accept what was ruled - probably not happy nor agree but accept.

Umpires, with the exception of a check swing, do not overrule their partners. They may offer information, but the calling umpire either reaffirms or changes his call. And that should be done sparingly.

I will offer information only when my partner requests it. And if I ever had a partner overrule me without my request for information, I would redline I would report him to the conference assigner and redline his sorry butt.

When a coach requests that an umpire get help, I like the NCAA model. The umpires agree to get together, the coach agrees to accept the explanation with no further argument and heads for the dugout during the umpire conference. The umpires confer and announce their decision first to the coach who requested the conference and then to the other coach.

If the first coach continues to argue after the final decision is made, he is ejected.
Last edited by Jimmy03
I agree with both of you. I was specualting as to why the PU did what he did and in no way think it was OK handling of the situation. In fact I would expect the net result is not calming coaches but rather have them looking to get calls overturned on anything close. Could get butt ugly.

These two guys have problems. Whoever is running those crews has to take a hard look to see if they might be better off dropping one or both of them.
I don't care who has more experience or whose call it was, when the BU made the call the PU needs to shut-up period. Unless I am misreading the OP it sounds like it was the BU's call to start with, so the PU needs to take care of his area and stay out of his partner's world. I have had partners that made some pretty ugly calls but that is their problem to deal with.

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