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There are a number of excellent players that go Division 2 every year. Some want to play immediately rather than red shirt or play little as freshman. I've seen many players who excell at top division 2 schools, that could play division 1 and do well. St. Joseph for example signed one of the top catchers in HS this year, Mike could play at many division 1 schools.
I can tell you one thing about that tourney, Colin Bates is a stud. How could this kid not get drafted? He is the best hs/18 yr old pitcher out there. He made that team look bad, and they are not bad at all. They have some of the biggest names around. He was amazing. He fought with our coaches to let him go back out in the 7th just because the guy leading off was the guy who hit the HR off him earlier and he knew he could get him....and get him he did. He is a stud. We(white sox)just ran out of pitching in the championship game. I think with some more arms we could have beat that team. It was our 3rd game of the day and they had an earlier bye and a 5 inning game so, they were fresh and we were out of gas. I hope they are in bloomington this weekend and maybe we can have a little rematch. Van Horn, you did a very nice job of putting this thing together and keeping your cool with all that was going on, with teams knowing they were going to Georgia and did a great job man. Bring some money with you this weekend
Rosy, I have to take issue with you regarding a couple of things you said. First, as you know, I know the guys at TT and I have the utmost respect for them...they know baseball and can teach it very well. Second, their team is loaded...great players who will more than likely be very successful playing behind high school. In addition, I know some of the players and their parents who I consider friends as does my son who played with them.

However, when you mention that TT's goal is to "prepare the players for their first experience playing collegiate baseball", I think you miss a very important point. It's one thing to teach baseball fundamentals and the fine points of the game. However, because they are 18 year old young men, they also still need to be exposed to good sportsmanship and character. Having a coach constantly using profanity or getting tossed from games (I know for a fact that this coach got tossed the weekend before too) is not instilling good values in the kids. TT is and should be better than that. Hopefully the lessons the kids learn go beyond hitting, catching and throwing. However, if they exhibit the described behaviors of the people in question, I have to question whether the kids are in fact being taught the proper things. After all, it's still just a game.

These kids need to learn how to face challenges and adversity...not by launching into profanity or throwing at other players, but by maintaining their composure and class and going out and letting their skills dictate. For example, on Saturday, Roy Oswalt came up and in to Albert Pujols (didn't hit him...just sent a good old-fashioned message pitch). Side note, these are professionals, so this type of play is truly part of the game. Pujols didn't stare Oswalt down, charge the mound, swear at, he just hit the next pitch into the rightfield bleachers, trotted around the bases and went back to the dugout...point made.

I would be interested to hear what the act was the week before at Triton. Was it the game with the Illinois Orioles?

I was at the Oriole game as an unbiased fan (I know kids on both teams) and wanted to see a good baseball game and figured each team would throw their better pitchers.

The umpiring was poor IMO and several calls were missed. The TT third base coach walked on the field to question a call and the field ump kicked him out for walking on the field - hardly what I would call an act.

The TT team is arguably the one team that everyone in Illinois wants to beat and creates the most controversy which is why you have situations like the one that arose last week with the Clarendon Hills Thunder. It's very funny to me that nobdy has found any fault with the Thunders team in all this - but its what I would expect.
Last edited by bballfan5
In '82 I saw the White Sox play the Yankees at Comisky Park. In the 1st inning, Dave Winfield just tatered a homer off of Dennis Lamp. When Winfield came up his 2nd time he got hit by a pitch. Winfield's third time up, he lost control of his bat during a swing and it wizzed right over Lamp's head. Wups! Winfield got two more at bats in the game, and each time during those final two at bats, some how some way the bat slipped out of his hands and wizzed by the Sox pitcher. Wups! Ofcourse I'm sure Winfield was probably having a difficult time gripping the bat after he got beaned. I wonder what would have happend to any of the Sox pitchers if they got hit by one of Winfields bats: skewered, de-capped, de-teethed, de-gummed, de-eyeballed, de-balled (bye bye Burt & Ernie), cut-in-half. Hmm.
Just returned home and logged in and read some of the comments...I would like to thank those who came down and were excellent fans of the game...It was a good time ....and thank god it wasn't as hot as we thought it would be....
As far as the fight or beanball war...Both teams were at fault...Both team coaches were ejected and teh kids involved were ejected...
My only concern here is the overall reputation of the tourney, ...This was the only incident we had in 73 games... it just happened to come after I had a conversation with the Top Tier coach about leaving the tourney....."ironic"....
Reputations follow teams...when a team gains a poor hurts the kids who are playing for them...We took a chance and "Lost"...the rumors were correct and you don't know until someone does it to you...I always thought it was just jealousy on alot of coaches part....but when pro scouts begin telling you.....about this should begin to beware...
Hats off to the Top Tier Kids for being talented...
As far as the tourney set up....This tourney format was discussed with several college coaches and pro scouts...They come in for a limited time to see the best...Although the Bullets always throw their same rotation....throughout the season... This format was decided on to make the kids and coaches all realize that every pitch, every play on every game regardless of their competition is IMPORTANT... The Bullets lost out by 1 run to play at what we refer to as teh Championship....but there were 5 Champions declared at the Fun in the Sun....not just one...
The purpose is to get kids in front of college recruiters and pro play in a college environment...Championships , Trophies, etc. should be immaterial.... We will reevaluate the format after 2006 and if changes are needed...we will do so..
We would have liked all undefeated teams to play for the Championship at Logan...but only because of time and field limitations....were only 6 teams allowed to play...
Congrats to all teams who stayed, played the entire tourney and did not pull out for PERFECT GAME EVENTS....Next years fun in the sun will be geared for all teams but anyone wanting to go that week end to Perfect game will be excluded. Another tourney earlier at siu and logan will be held for those teams...
Top Tier, Cangelosi Illinois Orioles, St Louis Mustangs...Recruiters were there Sunday to see those kids play and were upset when they found out they had left...Their recruiting plans were delayed because they knew those 3 teams would either be at Logan or sIU on Sat....
Who did they let down? Not the tourney....but the kids who play for them....
I would like to clear up the Top Tier game with the CH Thunder at the SIU tournament. In the second inning a third coach in the TT dugout was F bombing his pitcher for throwing his breaking ball and not getting it over, claiming just throw your heat and these guys won't catch up to it. So the next inning I tell my guys that the coach told his pitcher to throw fast balls and to sit back on them. So they did and we got productive in the inning with a couple of runs and runners on base. The bearded thug coach for TT then started accusing my player on second base of revealing signs to the our hitter and said he was a marked man and will be drilled next time up, and f bombed the rest of the team and said that's the way baseball is. I proceeded to tell him that his big mouth from the previous inning allowed me to tell my players what the pitcher was going to be throwing and he said that's to bad we are going to throw at your player and pay him back. I pitched a kid who had not pitched for two weeks and he had a hard time getting his breaking ball over, it was the kids birthday and I wanted to play on his emotions. So not only did they purposely put a pitcher in to drill our player, but when he was advancing to second the shortstop slapped him across the face with his glove. The thugs coaching TT have no class at all and would be banned from the high school dugout. How these kids get duped into believing in them after their high school season is bewildering to me. Don't get me wrong not all the TT players get caught up in the antics of the coach, but many follow the leads of these so called role models.
wow, how could i not be involved here? van horn, you threw an amazing tourney despite that incident. i think all in all it was very well attended and the scouts didnt have to waste to much time in the car, they were able to get to the fields as planned. im and our team is looking forward to seing the teams this weekend. ive been spreading the word today and will continue to. it was great, i cant thank you enough. it was fun in the sun and it will be for a while. one of our guys got severasl offers at this tourney, it was worth it for him and his family to be there. the 07's that were there were awesome. great tourney even for those who complained....there was a lot of great teams there. keep it up.
KBCoach, Beenthere and all the rest of the holier than thou fraternity. Players being duped to play for Top Tier? Are you kidding me? Just ask Michael Bowden, Greg Yersich, Andrew Beatty, Bret Summers, Josh Flores, Joe Benson, Zach McAllister, Connor Powers, Kenny Smalley, and the dozens more if they were duped, or if their careers were anything but helped because of their association with Top Tier and their relationship with Todd Fine. Mr. Fine a thug, I might fall off my chair laughing.

Oh yeah, those unnamed MLB scouts that say bad things about the TT program. Are those the same scouts that Todd talks to on a regular basis about his players, the scouts that ask for continuous schedule updates, pitching plans for a tournament or signability issues? This stuff is like a repeat from last year and the previous year and on and on. Worry about your own side of the street and how much you are doing to help your players get to and succeed at the next level.

I also think that the timing of this BS is not unexpected, knowing that the TT team and head coach are in East Cobb and not reading this slanderous garbage. Year in and year out people take potshots at this team and somehow many of the best players in the area are suckered into a feeling of accomplishment when offered a spot on the roster. Maybe it is something in the water that they're given to drink.

My son is fortunate to be playing this summer for the TT 17U team. I hope he and I haven't been suckered into something evil. Thanks for the warning.
Last edited by itsrosy
I would expect some level of support for past alumni of TT and my disappointment comes from how Todd could put up with an assistant that has outward malice where everyone could hear toward a player and team? Is that what a young man should accept as part of the game? If you're not there its hard to grasp. We played TT in Kenosha and there was no problem.
Last edited by itsrosy
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