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Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd. Big Grin

Sorry, I'll do better next time. We're OK at our house. Missed us by about a mile or less. Another webster (still learning) was caught in it in a Memphis Mall. Many students hurting at Union University. All the dorms damaged, students have been moved off campus and classes are cancelled. I'm amazed that no one was killed at the University. $40 million in damages to the University alone. Not far from our home I saw the concrete slab where a house used to be. The tornado "plucked" the house and left the slab void of everything --- except the flower pots which were still on the porch as nothing had happened.
Saw nearly the same weird scene once...a house completely gone, all appliances, bathtub, everything but the slab, and a kitchen table with the chairs around it, and a vase in the middle of the table with the flowers still in it...I know it wasn't staged because I was there moments after it went through...just bizarre looking.

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